GET U S A Moving


Veteran Expediter
Get U S A Moving

I am getting Bored Playing with Rattle Snakes and when a Desert Ranger seen me I told him it was lunch he then told me it was outa season.
I here OBAMMA Is doing his part but I herd The Wicked Demo Witch of the West Tried adding Condoms as a medical issue Porkbarreling to a bill Geesh can some body do the right thing and get the Country Moving???

Home Depot lay offs, Catapiller, what else?? Can we see day light at the end of the Tunnel?
Found some gasoline and a Rag and a Stick for now.
These dark tunnels are the Pits ya know.
Yoo we need some Gusto ya got that so best bout bee a been busy to getting U S A Busy got that. Nice set of Led Lights would do wonders ya know. (Brite Star Lites)

I dont care what anyone on here thinks.
You pay some body then reach back into their account and take it back just because they HAD TO STOP WORKING FOR YOU your a worthless piece of Crap.

Stop buying foreign Oil
Stop buying thing made in China and Japan and Mexico and Canada.
Invest in America Buy U S A Savings Bonds.:)
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