ft lauderdale expediting with fedex cc


Expert Expediter
hey every one
im moving to florida and i want to expedite with fedex
me and my wife that is now im a fedex ground contracter right now but i dont want to do that down there i know theres not alot of work down in fl but i fig i can work for a month or two then take a few weeks of at home i live in detroit right now so im sure i would make runs here im just wondering if that could be done? does anyone live in fl and still make it any other companys i should look into before i go with fedex? oh ya i will own a d-unit and i wont mind leaving home for weeks at a time imlooking to make good money
and i love to travel so any info would help thanks
go-wings....nick best


Expert Expediter
have friends that live in fl and they always have to get out of town
before they get moving nomatter what company you work for
fl is a bad state, no body has freight in fl
maybe go into sales all company's need more sales people