Final call for Moderator Apps


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Hello everyone!

We've had some joking about it of course, but in all seriousness we do need 2 to 3 more moderators to replace those who have retired, or moved on.

It's not as hard a job as some would think, everyone has their own style. You wouldn't be required to "live" on the forum, and take all the abuse :)

Most mods have a couple forums they monitor for 'strays', and violations. Every mod's personality is different.. some are more behind the scenes style, content to just monitor, others are heavily involved.. it's up to your comfort level.

Basic requirements are simply experience in the business, a willingness to share your knowledge, and keep a fairly level head.

Any 'heavy' stuff get's referred up to Admins :)

We have had some interest, but I just wanted to bring it to you all one more time, before we bring it to a vote.

Thanks for considering!

If interested, please drop me a line at [email protected], and tell me a bit about yourself, and why you think you'd be a good fit.


A bit from our Moderator Overview.

Overall Role

- Introduce topics

- Monitor discussion behavior

- Move discussions along

Benefits of being a Moderator

- It's fun.

- Moderators usually have a special interest in the topic

- You never know what special opportunities come from all the exposure

Level of Participation

- Depends on your personality

- Some take a back seat: Simply introduce topics and then just monitor discussions, to ensure things don't get out of hand

- Others take an active role: contribute his/her opinions on a regular basis