EO XM Radio Holiday Show


Staff member
If you have High Speed Internet and would like to listen to our annual Christmas Expediter Story click the link below.

This is a true story from a driver...can you guess who the driver "Dan" is?

[link:www.expeditersonline.com/radio/volume83.wmv|The Annual EO Christmas Story] Windows Media Format

Expediters Online.com

On the keyboard of life, always keep
one finger on the escape key.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Awesome story. Seems like I remember reading it before, but it's even more special hearing it read. May we all be aware of those less fortunate around us... and thank God for what we have. My mother is now going thru that confused state, so that story struck home more for me. I hope, that should she happen to be in such a situation, someone would be so kind to her.

Thanks for sharing that Lawrence.
