Dumb Mistake


Expert Expediter
Years ago I was working a temp job(non driving related) and one night my girlfriend and I were drinking and fooling around and she pulled out a joint. We both puffed on it abit and went to sleep. The next day, you guessed it, drug test. I refused it. Does this preclude me from ever doing this type work? I have done nothing like that since and am generally a straight arrow. Any info would be appreciated.



Expert Expediter
Hey George - It took me a while on this one, but I had to do my research. The Source of this reply is from the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Regulations - so here goes...

In the eyes of the DOT, refusal to take an employers alcohol or drug screen is the same as an admission of guilt - and it as viewed the same as if your test result was positive for a controlled substance.

This will stay on your record, but there is a way to make it stop affecting your career path. You must consult a substance abuse professional and be screened to see if you have a problem - If so you must satisfactorily rehabilitate yourself through whatever course your substance abuse counselor deems neccessary.

When the substance abuse professional determines that you are satisfactorily rehabilitated, and this is provided to you in written documentation, you must provide this information to a prospective employer and submit to subsequent drug screenings as dictated by your employer.

If a substance counselor will give you a letter stating that you are rehabilitated or do not have a problem - That is acceptable by the DOT. Just make sure you have every piece of documentation through every step of the process. It may be an expensive solution, but it is a solution. I hope this helps - X


Expert Expediter

Thank you for your efforts. I am going to do all I can to get this cleared up and I thank you again for pointing me in the right direction.



Expert Expediter
i think that you may be making more of this than is there. first the driver said that it was yrs. ago(so it depends how many) 2nd this was a non-driving job thus it wasnt reported to the d.o.t. ("don't ask dont tell")3rd they will same thing about refusing to blow for a dui however a lawyer will get that "assumption of guilt" overturned 8 out of 10 times. i believe if its been many yrs and was not during a driving job. i say this gentleman "forgets" about it and goes on to drive. since we KNOW he wont be doing that again!! lol just my .02


Expert Expediter
Hey Gambler, great to hear from you. This is a common misconception among many in the transportation field. It does not matter how long ago something happened, what matters is that it DID happen. My answer comes directly from the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Regulations - and it details the RIGHT way to handle something. Admittedly many folks would choose to take the "don't ask, don't tell" approach, but I wouldn't want that kind of thing hanging over MY head.
Thanks - X


Expert Expediter
for that carrier yes if thats there policy.ps my advice to you would be wait awhile then try with a differn't carrier but if you do drugs and get caught with them and you get a conviction on your record kiss your driving carreer goodby.


Expert Expediter
If you temp job was thru manpower I can tell you for a fact they do not report anything like this to future employers.