Diamond Delivery Service?


Seasoned Expediter
Anyone know about this company?
I like what they have said on the phone. Appreciate your help if you know anything about them.
Stay safe!


Not a Member
They are based out of the Fort Wayne, Indiana area. They have their own logistics company as well which is mainly semi-trucks and trailers.
I have talked with some van drivers that are with them and they seem happy but like everyone else they had some complaints of it being slow - so that could just be the market.
The good thing is I really have not heard anything bad about them either. I spoke with them to but just opted for Panther instead. I like the fact Panther has a wider market appeal, stronger customer base, etc.
But that is just me. Good Luck!

Fort Wayne
Boycott The Flyless J!


Seasoned Expediter
Thanks fort wayne
I just left pII. I wanted something smaller. Just the oposite of you I suppose. But no bashing here. Have a great day and stay safe.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Robs dad, I would recommed you take a look at Bolt Express based out of Toledo.