Delorme GPS


Expert Expediter
Have any of you guys that use Delorme Street Atlas with GPS had a problem with the GPS losing signal and stopping every once and awhile. Mine has really given me a problem. It started with 2003. Was worse with 2004. And is almost unuseable with 2005. I have tried it on three different laptops. Seems to work better with Windows 98SE than with XP. Have replaced the antenna. Have spent hours on phone with Delorme tech and they are totally clueless just like me. Doesn't seem to be any pattern. It may work for 5 miles stop for 30 seconds to 15 minutes and the work fine or it may work 700 miles and not miss a lick. Just wondering if I am the only one having a problem like Delorme tells me. Thanks!


Glen Rice

Veteran Expediter
I'm surprised customer service has not asked you to return the unit so they can test ayour unit and give you a qualified answer? I find it hard to believe you have the only ill operating piece of equipment, don't you? Keep calling until they service what they sold!


Expert Expediter
Glenn it has been returned twice and both times they sent me a new one. Still same problem. They say I have a operating system problem but with three seperate laptops and two different operating systems I can't believe that. There is some question about maybe the van windshield has solar coating that is lowering the signal. The reason I say this is when I got a transponder for EZPASS they said Ford E series van had a windshield that may cause problems. So I am going to route the Delorme antenna outside on a trip where the weather is good and see if that helps. Meanwhile I ordered a new antenna and will try it. Thanks! Dieseldoctor


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I have experienced some problems with my DeLorme GPS. I have found through trial and error that I need to disconnect the USB plug each time I close down my computer and I do not plug it back in until I have opened the map program. I talked with another DeLorme customer in the DeLorme store in Yarmouth who told me it is the Sony Vaio computer which causes some sort of incompatability. Try disconnecting the USB connector from the computer and see if that helps. Mike


Expert Expediter
I just bought one today. The first one had bad media out of the box. (so back to the store I went) the second one installed fine and seemed to work but had a *hell* of a time holding much more than a 2-D signal with the antenna on the dash. I moved the antenna to the shelf above my head (I have a hightop made of fiberglass so the "shelf" is the old roof left over my head) and it got the best possiable signal. From Minneapolis to south of Gery IN (where I am now) it lost signal only a few times in downtown Chicago but so did the Sirius due to all the bridges. It must be something in the glass. I just had mine replaced a week ago but I have not noticed a differance in my Ipass.

As to the lockups. it's done it twice. I know my laptop needs a bit more ram but it is over the requirements on the box. I've noticed it is everytime the damn thing tries to tell me where to go (I KNOW I am off route but the bathroom is over THERE!). I have yet to find a way to truely shut her up other than to turn the volume down to 0.


Veteran Expediter
I too had this problem last year.

Usually around major cities such as Chicago, Buffalo, Columbus, etc., etc.

I discovered that the receiving pod from my Sirius was interferring with the pod from the DeLorme GPS. (Both rest comfortably on my dash)

Turned off the Sirius, and have never had a problmen since.

Hope this helps.


Expert Expediter
both antennas are about 7 feet apart. So I am not sure if that is the issue. I have been listening to the XM today (got both until my prepaid XM runs out) and there is no change. However, I uninstalled Norton anti-virus and my computer is running MUCH faster and the program has not locked up. (it did even with the sirius off). I wonder if something on the computer (like Norton) was interfering with it. I know the map program needs a ton of power to get things done and I think to many things running in the back ground interfer with it.


Expert Expediter
Got my new antenna in and have ran about 1500 miles and it has not missed a lick. Good strong signal all the time except like some of you said in a tunnel or under a wide bridge. I can understand that.I have moved everything I can away from the antenna. Evidently the lifespan of these antennas is very short. Then they don't just die they just get weak. We'll see how long this one works.


Expert Expediter

Instead of the using the Delorme GPS try this one:

Its the Moneysoft version of the Delorme. Also, some windshields are made with a thin aluminum tint in the glass which prevents transmission of radio signals to pass. I have that problem in my VW. Or if you want to play around abit. I made a antenna holder that mounts on the outside of the passenger window and receives all signals unubstructed. I am also inventing a door mount of the same kind idea. The only thing you have to worry about is the type of connection it is. Which in most of 95% of cases its USB. Then all you have to get is extention cable for it depending on mounts location. I used the above system for the past 75,000 miles. Only place I don't get any signal is if I don't see 110* degree of the horizon, which in turn is the downtown location with tall buildings.

Start inventing,

Work to Live, Live to Work.


Expert Expediter
I had alot of trouble with delorme too! i found out that i could send in the delorme software (keep the gps receiver) and exchange the software with co-pilot truck. the
delorme receiver will work with their software. Their normally 499.oo pkg was exchangedfor 99.00 and it works wonderfully.

10 times the help delorme ever was and made for trucks..keeps you off restricted route,haxmat,etc. can find anything....consignees,walmarts restaraubts,truckstops,etc. etc

i highly recommend it.



Expert Expediter
oh really? Off it goes to Co-pilot. Only had it 3 weeks and hate the software. Locks up, thinks I am off route and there is NO way to shut it up permenatly.

Time for co-pilot.


Expert Expediter
I've probably put in about 5,000 miles with this new reciever and it still hasn't missed a lick. Evidently they are not made to run 24/7 forever lol.
Merk as far as the "off track" mess just go to GPS then settings then options and uncheck recalculate when off track and it will stop that. You may want to try 500 ft off track and see if you can live with that. Delorme software is not perfect by any means but I like the features like showing the next two turns and the mileages to each stop etc.