Death Penelity


Veteran Expediter
I ask this cause of the question asked about Conceled Weapons and the example I gave. Yes a Teacher has that right but local laws say NO.

But what is the difference?

I was forced to participate in a Federal Court Case on only deciding Life or Death.

So whats the difference this guy was already found guilty and there was no way in the law his life was gona be spared either.

Crime=Car jacked a young man of 21 years of age, forced him out of his car into the Medien after the guy turned the keys over to the Carjacker he blew his head off at point blank. Ran accross State lines to get back at his girlfriend. Busted thru the back glass door and chased her out into the front yard. In front of her mother and young Daughter shot her in the back as well. Since he crossed state lines in his Crime Sprea if was given the Federal Status.

Guy was a Coward, still alive but on death row, Feds are gona kill him.

P.S. I was not selected but was the last one to be choosen to go home. Guess they just did not like my Yankee/Southern attitude. but seruiously I did not like the weight of makin that decision. But if someone were robbing a store and I had a gun, he would be shot if pointing a gun at a cashier. And I do not miss my targets.


Expert Expediter
Scary topic. Some people I have known(who could get a permit)have no biz carrying a gun. But, I think people not having guns or the willingness to thwart (in some way) the efforts of criminals is part of the reason for crime in our country. So, to make a long story short...I got a permit.