Customize Condo?


Expert Expediter
My wife and I run a Century Class D unit with the typical 70 inch double bunk sleeper. I am convinced there is much more room in this sleeper than is being used to best advantage. We have removed the lower cabinets to allow room for porta potty, refrigerator, VCR/DVD, Microwave, satellite receiver and television. Is there anyone around who has done customized work on one of these condos? I am not afraid to tackle much of the work myself but I am looking for some good ideas. Thanks for any help. Be safe out there.

Cliff :7 :7 :7

Glen Rice

Veteran Expediter
Both Bentz Transport Products and ICT Sleepers of Indiana have what you need. Bentz can be reached at 1-800-664-BUNK and ICT is on the web. Have fun customizing your truck.


Expert Expediter
Thanks Glen for the info. I appeciate the quick response and I will see what I can find out from these sources. Take care.



Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
A few more to add to your list would be ARI,Double Eagle and Star Class sleepers. I believe AA does some work like this as well.