Checking Your Stats


Expert Expediter
Just a thought: If you don't go to the Intranet and check your stats very often, it would be a good idea to do so. It is strange how things can happen with stats when you have no idea and no notification. Twice recently we have found an error in our stats. The system indicated we were late for two pickups and we have NEVER been late for a pickup OR delivery!

We called our CC and both errors were corrected immediately. But if we had not been checking it those records would have remained wrong.

I realize we can not depend on the stats about refused offers right now but we can make sure our other stats are correct.

One other interesting thing we have recently found is that the CC's are so busy they no longer return phone calls when we leave a message. We can usually get through to one if we hold on the phone but our calls are not being returned if we leave a message. I believe it is because they are handling a lot of folks each and just don't have time to return calls. That is just my opinion but I am basing it on our experience.



Staff member
What a surprise to see this post!! I have been in a tizzy over the fact we had a late pickup on our stats posted the first part of December. We made that pickup, did out departure call and were gone before our appointed pickup time.

You sure do not want to let a late pickup or delivery stay on your stats. It only takes a second to check your stats and if a problem call in and get it fixed.

Great Reminder India


Expert Expediter
Good advice. Last year I saw that I had a late pickup and tracked it down to a load that I had about 4 months prior that they gave me the wrong address. But when I called, it was too late, they did not have the phone conversations any more. Bummer. If I had called earlier, it would have been corrected.