Celebrating March


Expert Expediter
In case you need something to celebrate:

Someone mentioned that we had a "square root day" this month on 03/03/09.

The very next day 03/04/09 was a "command day." You know: "March Forth."

And, of course, we all know to "Beware the Ides of March." That is March 15th!

Okay, this is coming from someone whose family celebrates Garbage Eve - the evening before the garbage man comes, when we need to gather up all the garbage and celebrate Garbage Eve!

Personally I think we all need to celebrate some of these little things so we aren't always so down in the dumps.


Veteran Expediter

Okay, this is coming from someone whose family celebrates Garbage Eve - the evening before the garbage man comes, when we need to gather up all the garbage and celebrate Garbage Eve!

Wow! My family has done this for years also. But we never, ever thought of it as a celebration. Ooohhhhhhhhh! If only we had known that it was "Garbage Eve". And they say "old dogs can't learn new things". Thanks for enlightening us!