Looking Both Ways Building a Foundation for Your New Trucking Business - Part 5 : Looking Both Ways


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On Time Media Staff
Part 5 – Signage, Permits, Fuel/Mileage and Miscellaneous Property Taxes

This post of Looking Both Ways should assist in complying with signage requirements, some permitting requirements and most fuel/mileage/property valuation type taxes imposed on trucking companies by the federal and some state governments. In order to comply with the regulations you’ll need to understand what is required and also have the capability to accurately track certain data. This blog is not intended to provide you with legal advice or to be all encompassing. You are ultimately responsible for total compliance for your new company. This blog will surely get you headed in the right direction. What could be more boring than watching the paint dry? What is dryer than an extra dry martini? The world of trucking regulations awaits you. Read on.
