2010-2011 per diem rate


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
THE current per diem rate of $59.00 per day will not change effective today Oct 1, 2010/.
It is $59.00 US and $65.00 Mexico or Canada.
the current wording is directly from the IRS web site

Transportation industry per diem. Effective Oct. 1, 2010, taxpayers in the transportation industry paying (or deducting) a per-diem only for M&IE may treat $59 as the M&IE rate for all localities within CONUS and $65 as the M&IE rate for all localities outside of CONUS (same as the previous rates). (Rev Proc 2010-39, Sec. 4.04(3)) A transition rule provides that taxpayers that used the federal M&IE rates or the special transportation industry rates during the first nine months of 2010 for an individual can't switch to the other method for that individual until 2011. ( Rev Proc 2010-39, Sec. 4.04(6) )

Franklin Katz, ATP ,PA, PB
Frank’s Tax and Business Service
120 York Rd
Kings Mountain, NC 28086-3151
(704) 739-4039
Fax: (704) 739-3934

Providing Professional Accounting Services and Income Tax Preparation

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