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  1. Scuba

    Soldiers and Marines die while barry thinks

    The title says it all his inaction is killing Americans
  2. Scuba

    Observations of the President's 1st 100 Days:

    1. Offended the Queen of England 2. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia 3. Praised the Marxist Daniel Ortega 4. Kissed Hugo Chavez on the cheek 5. Endorsed the Socialist Evo Morales of Bolivia 6. Announced we would meet with Iranians...
  3. Scuba

    One Marines View

    One Marine's View this is a real good conservative website
  4. Scuba

    obammy victory no a goal in afghanistan

    Obama: 'Victory' Not Necessarily Goal in Afghanistan - Political News - How can you be the cic and send troops to war if you don't care about winning???
  5. Scuba

    barry old people to take pain meds

    YouTube - Obama: Maybe You're "Better Off" Taking Painkillers And Forgoing Surgery healthcare reform In his own words barry says it may be better for old people to just take pain meds instead of getting Surgery. Remember barry has much better health care then he wants the rest of us to get i...
  6. Scuba

    Another obummer LIE?

    What happened to obummers white house of transparency Obama blocks access to White House visitor list - White House- notice libs the story doesn't come from FOX News
  7. Scuba

    What a difference a President makes

    Last year every time fuel went up $.05 per gallon the libs screamed that Bush and his cronies were to blame for the high price of fuel. Now we have the messiah and the price of fuel is up over $ .26 a gallon more than it was since Jan 21st and no one is screaming HIGHWAY DIESEL FUEL PRICES...
  8. Scuba

    Fine example of a FL Democrat

    YouTube - Corrine Brown - Go Gata (with Subtitles)
  9. Scuba

    Got to love youtube

    YouTube - Different Presidents, A Different Corps
  10. Scuba

    obummer tries to kill NASCAR

    Sorry! - Car News/Motorsports/High Performance/Hot Lists/Reviews/Car and Driver - Car And Driver How will he try to controll gm next. Funny how he doesnt tell AIG that sending 60 billion to other countries is wrong they can spend the 60 billion any way they want