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  1. slfisher45

    Walking into bars

    A termite walks into the bar and asks, "Where is the bar tender?"
  2. slfisher45

    Goodtudes PB picaday

    I notice some of your pics have a look that suggest they were meticulously hand painted. The pants, arm and shirt on the man hand washing the truck in this thread and particularly the hairless close up shot from your Venice, CA selections. Is it me or is it Memorex.
  3. slfisher45

    The Irish and Politics

    Any other year this might be humorous. This year it might belong in the soapbox forum.
  4. slfisher45

    Lets go surfing now everybodies learnnig how..

    Nice shots. I like peoples faces and profiles.
  5. slfisher45

    Where did you say, "Time Out".

    I know miles translates to dollars and we are all here to make that interpretation. Did you ever find yourself in an area where you said to yourself or your co-driver, "This is beautiful let's take a day off and enjoy this area. Please tells us about that place.
  6. slfisher45

    Smart or Stoopid

    Stoopid. I have a multiple choice answer for my excuses.
  7. slfisher45


    Gee. I thought it was so simple. The X was always short for criss cross. On another note, Chris Cross is the name of a high school friend of mine who signed her name with an X. It seemed to fit.