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  1. D

    Fuel Mileage

    There is a very good reason why you are getting a little better fuel mileage then you have been, a lot of it has to do with the temp., has it cooled down in the last couple of weeks and have you been using your A/c as much and have you been driving at night time a little more? These are some of...
  2. D

    what engine?

    Are you going to be driving the truck you are buying or are you going to be looking for a team to drive it for you? john
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    APU in WG FCC ?????

    Cheri1122, You sound like you have been out on the road for awhile so maybe you can help me, I am looking for a female co driver either in a straight truck or in a tractor, I am 46 yrs old, married with 2 grown girls in college and a girl and boy in high school, been married to a...
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    Sterling 10-speed

    Being a long time driver of over 20 years and having taught people how to drive for a few years I can honestly give you some good advice. 1st of all, always use a clutch, there is a reason why they put a clutch in these trucks that are manual shift, alot of old time drivers and some new ones...