Search results

  1. smokeybandit23

    Trucking Job Boards

    Ideally? I suppose I would like to work with agriculture or lifestock if possible. I grew up in a community where those industries thrived. Though, I am open to many different types of indsutries. In all honesty I'm new to trucking and open to ideas. The idea of expedited trucking was floated to...
  2. smokeybandit23

    Trucking Job Boards

    ^ Huh, not sure why the link got removed, just wanted other people to be able to check it out and give me a heads up for a position? Not going to re-link because I don't want to violate the code, but I'm just trying to get some help here - if anybody can clear this up please let me know, I...
  3. smokeybandit23

    Trucking Job Boards

    Found this company online, have a friend (U.S. Vet) currently working for them - USXpress - Does anybody have any feedback on them? My friend seems happy but he's also not the most demonstrative person when it comes to these things. Anybody worked for them or know anybody who has? Anything...
  4. smokeybandit23

    noob question on where to start!!!

    Congrats on making that decision! Hoep you and your partner do well in this next step of your career. Have you begun to look into carriers/where to rent from?
  5. smokeybandit23

    Which companies are a better fit for solo straight truck driver?

    Heard good things about R+L Carriers. I can think of a few more. Shoot me a PM if you want more ideas, links, etc.
  6. smokeybandit23

    New to the site - doing research

    Totally understood. I believe on Trucker's Report they may even alow some outside submissions if you're interested in contributing to them, but I'm not 100% certain on that. (It doesn't hurt to check, regardless.) I suppose that really goes for any site - keep bugging them with submissions until...
  7. smokeybandit23

    Improving Life In The Cab

    ^ Great question and thank you for the ideas. I hadn't considered videography at all, but that could be incredibly interesting. Not to mention something really something to look back on and to have fun compiling. Not sure if anybody has mentioned Sirius yet, but I am definitely going to invest...
  8. smokeybandit23

    noob question on where to start!!!

    ^ Agreed. There are some great practice quizzes online as well for your partner that I discussed on another thread that I'd be happy to link over. Anything to help.
  9. smokeybandit23

    noob question on where to start!!!

    Welcome bmw236! I'm a newbie myself. Hope everything works out with you and your partner. How is your partner coming along with his CDL traning btw?
  10. smokeybandit23

    Trucking Job Boards

    Oh, ok good to know. Thanks for getting back to me.
  11. smokeybandit23

    Trucking Job Boards

    Hey EO public - Anybody know of any worthwhile job boards or other resources? I want to do my best to avoid the route if possible and stick to some industry specific sites if there are any good ones. Looking for sites that have offers for students as well as recent grads - my buddy...
  12. smokeybandit23

    Improving Life In The Cab

    Thanks everyone, more great suggestions. I like the idea of being constructive when I can, taking some classes or reading some free books sounds enticing. And I hadn't thought much about the potential meet-ups with fellow truckers who are doing the same as me. Great ideas!
  13. smokeybandit23

    New to the site - doing research

    Did the above help at all? I'd be happy to share more of what I know with you if you would like.
  14. smokeybandit23

    Newbie with a dumb question

    For that matter, how are your written skills studies coming along?
  15. smokeybandit23

    Improving Life In The Cab

    Question for those who have experience making some OTR runs - how can I make my cab more "liveable?" I have the standard (you know, a bed) but I'm trying to find ways so make the nights more enjoyable when I'm not simply sleeping. Any suggestions?
  16. smokeybandit23

    New to the site - doing research

    ^Ha! Good point But in all seriousness, I will have to take your advice in visiting a stop. Good a place as any to get some literature on the subject. Thanks!
  17. smokeybandit23

    New to the site - doing research

    And thanks, Turtle. Excellent starting place.
  18. smokeybandit23

    New to the site - doing research

    Hey Videodrome - Thanks for the tips. I'll definitely look into those companies as well as truckersreport. As far as writing tips go, I'm happy to share my experiences. I would absolutely reccomend creating any sort of online portfolio to display your writing. Upworthy is a great site, but...
  19. smokeybandit23

    New to the site - doing research

    Hey all, I'm in a peculiar scenario where I am both a potential trucker and a (semi) professional writer. I want to research some companies, types of haulsm, etc. - but I want to know what questions I should be asking myself prior to to researching anything. Regarding the writer aspect - I...