Search results

  1. C

    Freight for those with own authority

    Can someone point me in the right direction on where to get freight. We have our own authority, and are looking for more opportunities. I know no one wants to give up there bread and butter, I don't expect you to. We are just an honest carrier with good references looking for new business...
  2. C

    box trucks and compliance

    Can a daycab operate over the road and be legal ? I stay in a hotel room but I want to know if its legal. Its a boxtruck. Please help.
  3. C

    Us Dot #/mc #

    Can anyone give me more information concerning how much a US DOT #/MC # Costs? Maybe some insight on a website or agency you can obtain one at?Thanks.
  4. C

    Almost Lost It!!!

    I heard everybody complaining about the slow season. I started complaining about it too. Almost jumped out the business like alot of people do in their first year during these times. Instead, I trusted God to get me through. All week I have been rolling. Friday got a load going to Portland, OR...
  5. C

    How to cope the slow season?

    How do you cope through the slow season. Its my first season expediting. I came to Panther in April. I wasn't prepared for this slow season through Jan and Mar. Now that its here I have been pulling my hair out. I was worried about driving in the snow, now it seems I should have been worried...
  6. C

    question about randoms

    Don't feel bad butterfly because my carrier attacks me like that. Hey, we must work for the same one. They are out to get us young folks. They never do my wife. But they always do me. And I pass everytime! It is a waste of time, and I could be on a load getting money.
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    From my experience any load that is under 100 miles pays a flat rate to the driver/oo of $99.00 plus the fsc. So you can go 37 miles and get a flat rate plus the fsc.
  8. C

    Wheres the expedite freight?

    Send me info on the truck too. $2200 that is steep, does it still have the warranty? How does he budget his finances? I would assume you would want to gross $12,500/month. That would easily get your truck payment espicially in a team operation. Forget the cozy sleeper. I would just need the...
  9. C


    I have only been in the expediting business for about six months, and I must say alot of people bash the cat! The cat has been good to me, espicially this last week. Take the mini's, yeah they don't pay good but in the long run everything adds up. I took a run from Des Plaines, IL to Naples,Fl...
  10. C

    BEEP!!! IN THE NIGHT....

    That seems like the cat's favorite time to call. I could be someone where in a public place, or a club. Sometimes, even sleep in the truck and they will call. It seems like they always call my wife and I say to save the day. Not complaining at all,though.
  11. C

    Has any one?

    This weekend the cat made a mistake. They booked a load going from des plaines, IL to Naples, Fl. 1366 miles. At first, I was like I don't want to take it because its going to the worst place to get out of.....The bottom of Florida. So I said "what the heck, I'll take it for a weekend load since...
  12. C

    Is it Slow

    Now that October is over, is it slow or is it just me. My truck grossed good numbers for the month of October. Now a new month has started and I have been stuck in Nashville since tuesday. I plan on staying out for the holidays. Well except for New Years, I plan on having a romantic getaway with...
  13. C

    Crackdown or What?

    I was passing through and "boy was is rough". I had my CB on and all you heard was mm such and such, mm such and such. I am happy I'm not there anymore.
  14. C

    Allstate Express

    Does anyone know anything about this company? Are there any drivers on here? Positive, Negative?
  15. C

    How slow is the slow season

    As everyone knows I'm no vet in expediting. I am curious to know though, how slow is the slow season. I hear about how drivers take off during the slow season. Numerous people quit. But how slow is it? Is it Manageable. Are there people out there who work through it.
  16. C

    Wow-what is the deal?

    I can't speak for everybody out there. But I have a team that drives for the big cat. Our experiences haven't always been pleasant but we are learning. We have an excellent owner operator who bends over backwards for us. They really go out there way to answer questions and make useful...
  17. C

    How much does it cost to get CB connected?

    I'm just curious to know how much does it cost to get a CB professionally installed. I had it connected in my other truck. Now I am in a new truck (Freightliner Columbia).It has a compartment overhead for a CB, and has the big anetennas. I've been putting it off for some time now, but with...
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    Tis the season

    Is anyone slow right now. It seems like last week, I was rolling hard. Now this week I can't get out of Georgia. What's going on?
  19. C

    Inaccurate Mileage

    Are there any Panther II drivers out there? How about drivers for another carrier? Okay, well does your company pay actual miles? Well recently I started the odometer over at the shipper and counted my miles to the consignee. They were off by 59 miles. I did it again for another delivery and...
  20. C


    I am new to the expediting industry. Well actually I have been driving for about 7 months. I'm from the south, and we don't see alot of snow in Georgia. Does anybody have any tips from driving in the snow, or cold temps.Thanks.