Recent content by ManLaw

  1. M

    Truckers UNwelcome

    I'm not sure what you mean by this comment. Care to explain? On the surface of this comment...I'm offended. I don't LIKE some of the TS on the east coast, but I don't think they're any worse than anywhere else in the country. There are very few good TS ANYWHERE. As to parking in a PRIVATE...
  2. M

    generator question

    We drive an SST100 with this very setup. As Booker said, the AC can get so cold that it can feeze you out even in the middle of the summer in the deep south. We had many times this past summer that it took some fine tuning on the thermostat to get the temp in the sleeper just right for us to be...
  3. M

    IT IS A !!!!!!!!!!!

    Bambam, CONGRATULATIONS on the news and may you experience all the joys that motherhood can bring. HERE is a thread that shows EXACTLY why some members, and lurking potential members, seldom, IF EVER, post here. Bambam comes here to share some happy news with the members she has come to know on...
  4. M

    Business Minded or just a Job?

    Diesel Diva THANK YOU!!! I appreciate your words. As you WELL know, I don't need the "col" to tell me whether I can make a success of myself in this business or not. I've ALREADY proved myself time and time again. As for your statement there col.....we all now know that you had to go to my...
  5. M

    Business Minded or just a Job?

    >PS MM why dont you also go look up Driver Pay under Newbee >section. Opinion or this just some truth? $6.18 an hour >now thats what I want for retirement anyone else willing to >work for that wage and pay your own expenses? > > Smart real Smart, so thats my answer to your comments. YES...
  6. M

    Business Minded or just a Job?

    >Opps I screewed up (what else is new?) Thought of any good >posts lately or just repeats of what everyone comments on. > >As for what I care? Thats why I post gota a problem with it >than dont bother reading it MM. It gets items going on here >do not see any intresting start up posts by...
  7. M

    Business Minded or just a Job?

    You know what they say......"Try it, you might like it"
  8. M

    Business Minded or just a Job?

    So col, I suppose you entered the expediting business as a veteran. You didn't enter into it thinking I guess I'll "TRY" it out to see if it works out for me? A rookie veteran. Now THERE'S a unique concept.
  9. M

    Business Minded or just a Job?

    Broompilot-I'm curious, why do you care WHY people enter this industry? Some people try this out as a way to fill their retirement years with a way see the country and get paid for it. Others enter it as a way to spend more time with a spouse. Others get the big sleeper models and enjoy the...
  10. M


    Rich, my friend, it is obvious that after 21 years, you both know how to compromise. The day is about BOTH of you. There HAS to be something you enjoy doing together. Whether it's something she lkes to do and you tag along or whether it's something you like to do and she hangs while you enjoy...
  11. M

    i need a witness to prove i am not a liar

    And, use those cameras your carrier gives you for something besides taking images of cute little juniors tricks. That was RUDE and UNCALLED FOR. Obviously you didn't bother to READ his post fully. HE WAS INJURED and taken to the hospital. Kinda hard to take those pictures while you're...
  12. M

    Got Salvation..???

    Greg, From one seeker of the truth to the other...I applaud you. I too have had many discussions and tried to learn the ins and outs of others way of worshipping and thinking. Over the years I have delved into as many religions as I could. What NOW keeps me AWAY from most of them is the he!! and...
  13. M

    Rigmaster owners...

    Thawk-after having 3 different generaters on 3 different trucks I can honestly say that the Rigmaster was nothing but a boat anchor. You are correct in that it is the most expensive to repair. That's part of the reason we think it's a boat anchor. WHILE it works, it can do the job like any other...
  14. M

    New Topic

    Hey Greg....which side should I take in tis one???? :7 :7
  15. M

    Am I The Only One???

    dieseldiva, You have hit the nail squarely on the head. It's sad that there are those here that have so much to share with the newbies, those just starting out, and those of us that have been out here for years. Yet some of them have gotten a "Holier than thou" attitude when it comes to a few of...