If you live in the U.S. you CAN NOT haul loads from Toronto to Montreal. You need a work permit.
Yes you are right about this and the same are for a canadian, but this don't all.
Yes we are REAL immigrants!!!!!!!!!!! And I know much better te law for immigration , because we need to know ...........you don't need to know only for a better education if you wnat.
I am russian-american-canadien, I know better the rules and the law , I know that have to do taxes in both country to .I can drive in both country in and out .
The Ab and Manitoba have a special program for a truck drivers and if you applay , Miko you can have a work pernit and after a 2 years with a work permit you can apply for a pernament in Canada,or you can go directly for a pernament by your demandig profession- like a truck driver is on of this . Foe a period of 5 years you have to living 2,5 in Canada i rest out to save the your pernamet card .You can living on USA and work in Canada THIS IS YOUR RIGHT. We have are pernament only for a 5 months by Buffalo Canadian Consulat and after 3 years we become canadian cityzen ..........
Sorry DD and OVM but I now a lot miche the things about the immigartion because I am REAL IMMIGRANT AND I AM PROUD OF THIS . How fair you going form USA and Canada ? The immigrant life it is not esay, but it is Fun and Chalenging the people and make their family close and sucseful...........