Vote White!


Seasoned Expediter
Don't vote for Obama. Vote your racial interests. Vote White or vote for anyone else who is white and looking out for you.

This is very important. Vote for your family, vote for your grandchildren.

America is not what it used to be. Accept it.


Staff member
What the heck does color have to do with this election?

The issues are the problems and I do not what to "Share the Wealth" especially my wealth.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
# 1. IF, Nobama wins, will "Ebonics" become our National Language?
# 2. IF Nobama wins and runs our Country into the ground. In two years the Mid Term Elections will throw most of the Liberal Democrats out of office.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Color has nothing to do with it. It is about freedom and the difference between Marxism and capitolism. I believe in freedom and capitolism. My life if mine. Osama Obama had better not even try to change my way of life. Layoutshooter


Not a Member
Voted Green $

My prayer has been answered. Tonights victory was monumental. Forgetting the follies of the past 8years will take time, but am totally satisfied wev'e placed a proper President at a time most needed. I've not one ounce of regret crossing the "racial" barrier. Hopefully, those of you opposed to President Obama will open your hearts and minds and embrace the potential for a positive future.

God Bless every resident of our fine country.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I cannot embrace a Marxist, Anti-American, Baby-Killing S.O.B. Color has nothing to do with it. Race nor religion has anything to do with it. He is a Vile Pig and I will do nothing to support him. He is lower than scum. He stands against all that ever was good in this country. He stands with traitors therefore he is. He will never change my life. My life is right and just. I spent 20 years defending this nation against the very things that this communist preaches. He is back by Louis and William and Jerimia and Karl and Teddy and Mao, Stalin, and every other anti-American that has ever lived. I have lost too many friends and years to give into this disgusting paid off thingamajig. (I am trying to be nice and not using the words I really want too.) Thanks to all who wasted what many sacrificed to give you. May you all rot. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The fools have spoken. If only he could preside only over them. Hold on to your fantasy as your vote turns into redistribution.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No!!! Not on MY watch. I accept nothing. There is only one way to change my mind and that is to put me 6 feet under. Layoutshooter


Not a Member

overly used --- recognized by few --- the majority of voters obviously didn't buy into that slanderous "tag"


A model American who represents the values of all Americans


Yet another slanderous right wing propoganda fallacy

S.O.B.Vile Pig

Rude,immature, & totally un-called for. The Man's a true gentleman

lower than scum.

Rude,immature, & totally un-called for. The Man's a true gentleman

He stands with traitors therefore he is.

He dosn't stand for, nor supports anyone who activly participates with traitors

Thanks to all who wasted what many sacrificed to give you. May you all rot.

As you, I also nobely served a four year stint in the Armed Forces. I confidently believe my vote was not a waste.

Rot ? not very nice. You're a much better person than that. I'd suggest that comment was fueled by your own personal dissappoint.

Give the transition some time to launch. We must allow and support our Gov't to begin a new direction. The Repubs mess is gonna take some time to repair
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Willaim Ayers is a traitor. Period. I don't care if I am rude. I call it how I see it. Anyone who votes to allow live born babies die on a table with no care is a baby-killer. He seems to forget the 14th amendment. He will kill Americans. Period. Just as Slick Willy did. I will not give up my life style. He will have to stop me. How do you think he will do that? Not by "making nice". I earned the right to do as I please. Thank you for you 4 years. You can do as you see fit, just do not include me. I don't believe in Marxism. I will not live under it. I cannot be forced too. Just the way it is. And for who ever it was who said I have to respect our "so-called" elected officials, I only respect those who respect me. I have earned it. Obama has yet to do ANYTHING of value. If he ever does I will respect it. He hates all that I stand for so I doubt he will show me any respect even if I do pay part of his wages. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Hey Gracie - welcome to the asylum ..... and to Amercia ..... (my daughter-in-law was a willing immigrant .... from Indonesia)

And tell the "gimp" I said "Hello" and to heal quick.


Expert Expediter
Layoutshooter, I can't help but notice how you keep calling President Obama a Baby-Killing SOB.

As a woman, I feel it is about time someone lets us choose what happens to our own bodies. Even though I would not have an abortion, it does not mean it is wrong for someone else to have it done. I am tired of reading about unwanted babies being left in dumpsters, bathroom garbage cans, being neglected to the point of starvation, abused and beaten to death.

If a woman feels she would not make a good mother, why not let her get an abortion?? How many babies have to suffer because someone else feels they know what is best?? And, yes, there is foster care and adoption but how often do you hear of foster families getting children and abusing them or worse? How many more unwanted children have to be born and abused before things change??


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes, my lifestyle will be outlawed. The Democrats have tried for years and have been stopped. No longer. They will outlaw hunting, first on National Wildlife Refuges, which hunters pay for for the most part. Then on National Forests on which hunters pay for the vast majority of the conservation work being done. My everyday shotgun, a Benelli Super Black Eagle, is on several lists of guns to be outlawed. Why? semi-auto. All of my hand guns. One of my .22 Caliber rifles, why? Semi-auto. All of my deer rifles. Why? They all can pass through a so-called bullet proof vest. They assume since I own these guns that I am a criminal and the cause of crime. Just ask Nancy and Hillary and Osama himself. Don't look at his lies, look at his votes. I have. They will outlaw my lifestyle. Layoutshooter


Expert Expediter
You, like many people, assume the President has all this power, and he doesn't. He is just a puppet. He does not have the power or authority to take your guns away.

If, in 4 years, you do not have your guns, it will because you sold them or lost them - not because of Obama.

I have nothing against anyone that has guns, I was raised in a family of hunters but I do have a question: Why do you need a gun that goes through bullet proof vests? I have never seen any wild animals with one on!:confused: