Your DAC Report Rights


Not a Member
OOIDA had a great link on their site to assist Arrow drivers. However, further down on the page they had a nice little bit of information.

OOIDA stated you are entitled to request disclosure of the contents of your DAC file, and DAC is required to respond within 15 days. This includes both owner-operators and company drivers.

Here is the link to the OOIDA page regarding Arrow drivers and the statement regarding the DAC report is further down.
The Trucking Industries Resource On Hot Issues

Here is the link to obtain your report:
HireRight Consumer And Driver Report Requests

IMO it may be worth some time to obtain your report before all these new rules start rolling out in 2010. The earlier you get the report the more time you have to correct it before the new rules come into play.


Expert Expediter
I called to get them to send me the forms I needed to get my dac report they said they would mail them to me I waited about a month and the forms never showed up at the time I did not have a printer at home so I went to the public library and used the computers to access HireRight website and down loaded the request forms to get my dac and all other information they had and mailed the completed forms to them in less than 2 weeks I received the report. so the best thing I recommend is go online to the website link provided by OOIDA and down load the forms and fill out and request the dac report and all other information they have collected about you also very important is to get a copy of your credit report from all 3 credit reporting companies if you have not done so in the last year
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