Your average week


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Howdy y'all .I noticed the freight and the economy aren't seeming any better, and I was wondering what its doing for everyone? I am now considering myself lucky to gross $1200.00 in a week. Looking for a new company? Well who do you listen to, the recruiters are all full of SH#T. ... "OH yeah we have lots of work you might sit a day here and there(if your lucky)"....Well if this is the case why did I go on a run to Alabama on a sunday,drop off monday 8 a.m. and now I hear sorry we don't have anything yet, after hearing that for 3 days I asked where is the work, their reply "well the hot spot is Ohio right now"... Finally thursday morning I decided I'd head up that way, Thursday night hits and I get a call "we got one coming out of Hopkinsville KY.", It picks up within 2 hours(I was in Indiana by now) so 150 miles later I was there it took 1hr and 55 mins at about 80MPH,Now this run is going to MN. but it can't be their till Monday at 6 a.m. ......... Does this sound familiar??????? Same story the next week get to ST.Paul monday morning sit there for 2 days and end up in Elkhart IN. to pick up a 200 mile load ...Ouch between these loaded miles I put on 2000 non paying miles (sorry they don't pay deadhead).........It hurts to much to add up how much those 2 weeks cost me so I'm not gonna........Sorry if I sound like a whiney prick but I just wondered does this just happen to me????????? Have A Good One Y'all and God Bless......Andy x( .....almost forgot where do I go to get my own ICC numbers and or authority......thanks [email protected]


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
The company we recently signed on with is 70 - 80% local (automotive). Last week I had two runs in two days. Both runs were ltl less than 150 miles round trip in my 24' truck for which I was paid @ $60.00 ea. (50 miles to the pick-up, 30 miles to the delivery, and 50 miles back to home). I then took a load from Detroit to St. Paul, MN. Sat there for two days and then drove back to Chicago for a small load back to Detroit. The company says that they are really busy. I cannot wait to see the slow time.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
The company I am with runs about 90% automotive. It's really been up and down lately. This week's gross was $1,623,last week was $3,797,
week before that was $1,346 and week before that was $787. I run single and was home at least 1 weekend day every week.
Plus it's getting to be THAT time of the year, so I think it might get real slow soon.

Wanna go broke?
Buy a truck


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I run solo also, almost no auto freight. The funny thing is my weekly figures sort of "jump all over the place" too. It's hard to get an average. Freight is sort of like an on-off switch with no in-between.