More About Drivers Rights


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Poodlenme has been questioning about independant contractors and drivers rights. Now I was reading an article today in the Canadian magazine "Truck News" written by a lawyer from Buffalo NY, who specializes in International transportation law.
The first interesting point, although not directly on topic, is about immigration law. BCIS regulations allow for "key managers and other essential workers but not drivers" to be sent to the USA. By extension Mexican and Canadian drivers cannot haul within the United States.

The bit that caught my eye though, was about U.S.Employer/Employee laws. A U.S. company is "subject to all state and federal laws regarding workers, including workers compensation, unemployment insurance, disability, anti-discrimination laws, and other workplace regulations".
Was Poodlenme told he was an "independant contractor" as a way around all these different laws? If that is the case, and unless his employment meets the IRS regulations, shouldn't he be able to contact someone in the US DOT for assistance?
I think it is a good "rule of thumb" that, and this applies equally to Canada and the USA, any scheme designed to circumvent laws or regulations will eventually fall apart. Government regulators, like the IRS or DOT, recognise these evasion schemes and catch most. The penalties and back charges will make doing things the legal way seem far cheaper in the long run.

Rob A.


Expert Expediter
Poodlenme needs to clarify whether he was actually an independent contractor per an independent contractor agreement or if he was in fact an employee.

Either way, the US DOT don't give a hoot about the employer/employee relationship.

The state that he resides in would have the jurestiction over the mater I believe.

Several follow-up posts are in the prior threads on the same question below this one.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
This in a nut shell may put things in their proper perspective for you guys. This is a quote from someone that has every good knowledge of this forum and this industry as a whole.

Quote: Open Forum Comments
I love the freedom we have and I love the fact that we can speak our mind openly - even here on this forum as it pertains to our industry. There are three kinds of posters at EO:

A.) Community Minded
My favorite kind of member. These people contribute with their comments, ideas and suggestions, they really offer a lot to the online community. The generally tell you like it is and are always willing to help anyone. Down right good neighbors!

B.) One Hit Wonders
These folks have a simple question and want a simple answer. They make one or two posts and then they just "lurk" in the background, reading the post but not participating until they have another question. They don't generally offer help to anyone else, but that's ok.

C.) Hot Flamers
These posters generally come armed and loaded! They are angry and frustrated that no one at their company could or would address their issues so they think that they will get some action by posting their grievance here in the public for everyone to see. Typically, these posters never participate on any other topic or offer anyone any help whatsoever. They are on a mission to vent. We see them come and go and often wonder what became of their situation. Most of these posts while they may be factual - the poster is often very distraught.

So with all that said! Where is it that poodlnme fits in? LOL