It's a Team's Life Expedite Expo 2004


Staff member
On Time Media Staff
This time of year always brings back memories of the indecision we had in 2004 about this huge career change.

2004 Expedite Expo was held outside in tents - it has come a long ways!

In 2004 we debated on flying into Detroit where the Expo was held at that time from Kansas and finally made the decision if we were going to make this drastic of change to our lives we had to do attend. What a great decision that was.

The Expedite Expo is what you make of it. When we attended it was with paper and pen in hand and a lot of questions for everyone. We knew before we went that we were going to buy a truck as we had experience in trucking and we knew we wanted to be owner operators. Basically that is all we knew about this new career choice.
