Canadian Election


Veteran Expediter
Tomorrow the 14th is the federal election day in Canada. There are 4 main parties of which only 3 have seats in parliament (green party has no elected members). So after 15:00 hrs in each time zone you may see an increase in traffic if voter turn out is good (probably not as cdns seem to be apathetic with federal elections).

Who would be best for canada and US relations??

Right now for businesses it appears that the Conservatives are the best choice as they are pro business. Don't seem to like Ontario much but at least pro business.

The liberals have a bad carbon tax idea that would raise the price of fuel about 5 cents/litre and of course they claim a tax rebate will make it revenue neutral but tell me when was a new tax ever revenue neutral?? Never saw one??? Neither have I. Besides half the current members were in the govt that had involvement in adscam where the liberal party gave money to quebec party members thru a kickback scheme. No memebrs of the party (govt that is) were ever charged. Figures don't it.

The NDP (new democrats) are basically commies and are so pro socialism that they would yes give cdns more gov't goodies but at what cost. They would increase govt spending and we would be back into defecit financing (not good).

The Green party. Newest party on the block and of course as their name implies they are an environmental type party. NOw for the most part that's fine except they also are hung up on a carbon tax and of course they also claim revenue neutral scheme. Well read their web site and you can see from their own numbers it is not rev neutral.

So let's hope that the cdn ppl do the right thing and not vote in the crooks or the commies or the environmetalists. Wait that leaves only those western guys.. Is that good??