Best Revenue Months


Expert Expediter
Please Rank by the month # from 1-12 which the first # of month listed is the highest gross revenue month to the last # of month listed being the worst.

Example: 3,7,9,1,2,10,12,4,6,5,11,8

If you want to, please comment on dead months and you old timers can even comment on the effect 9/11/01 event has had on that time of year as compared to other years?

My understanding the Expiditing busy season is coming up?

Thank you,


Expert Expediter
Do I need to ask the question another way?

Or does anybody keep these kind of records?

Please respond,


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Mine are
In 2001, 10 was better than 11 and 4 better than 5 but I think this will give you some idea of what your looking for.
1 is always bad for me because I only work about 3wks in that month.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
The feedback from the drivers is the same as you will find in the archives. The fall (from Sept - Dec) is the best. Jan, Feb & March are generally very slow. Spring (Late March, April & May) things pick up a bit and the Summers can be slow. The types of loads you are carrying can change this. If you are automotive only, then the best and slowest times are slightly different than if you are non-automotive. For me, summer is fairly slow while the Spring and Fall are my busiest. However, I prefer not to work in the heat of July and August and am very selective on what I accept.

Hope this helps.