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  1. twentyhigh

    Louisville, KY

    So I have been in Louisville for the past week, headed out tomorrow. Took the time to explore and found this to be a really fascinating place. Only wish the love of my life could have been here with me. One night we walked over three miles and really got to see the beauty. The riverwalk had...
  2. twentyhigh


    As I sit reading about different things going on in different peoples lives, it makes me reflect on my own. Blessings I have had, tragedies I have experienced and those experienced by those close to me. Decisions I have made and those that still need to be made. Things taken for granted...
  3. twentyhigh

    Happy Father's Day

    To all of you who put your childrens needs before your own, who mold your children to be good people, who plain and simply spend quality time letting them know you love them..... Happy Father's Day!!!!
  4. twentyhigh

    A new Superhero - fantastic!

    In the society we live, so many negative things influence our children. Here is a good influence! Marvel team creates deaf superhero called Blue Ear in honor of boy - HealthPop - CBS News
  5. twentyhigh

    Facebook - what do you think?

    Facebook goes public and now says the greatest challange is to get more money out of the millions of users they currently have. I am tied to my facebook, but I don't plan to shell out any money to them. Everyone I HAVE to keep in touch with can be reached one way or another! Facebook's...
  6. twentyhigh


    If a turtle has no shell, it it naked or homeless? Just wondering.....
  7. twentyhigh

    What was I thinking?!

    Heading out in the morning for a scout camping trip. Ya know, roughing it for me consist of AC and a balcony overlooking the beach. But the kid wanted to go, so that we are At least I wont have to cook! Have to get back to business Monday!
  8. twentyhigh

    New reality show

    Just saw an advertisement for a new reality show called "7 days of Sex". It follows couples for a week. Do we really want to see what most of us are missing?! Lol.
  9. twentyhigh

    Too bad it isn't true....

    I keep getting a text message saying I won an Ipad2 or $1000. I know I didn't enter for anything, and if I did, I would not have given my cell number for it. My son is getting the messages too. Anyone else? Wonder if the cell carrier would do anything to block them?