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  1. S

    figuring it out

    I dis agree. My husband and I drove TT for 10 years and have been doing s/t now for a year.I found we did 6000 miles as a company TT and get paid the same amount as working for an o/o s/t for doing 3000 miles. I love it!! Most of our loads do come out after 2 pm so yes alot of waiting in the...
  2. S

    give to me straight can it be done w/out going crazy

    My husband and I are drivers at panther. We got out for 6 weeks and home for 6 days.Over a 6 month time period we averaged 1800 miles a week if that helps. I am looking into getting a van how many miles do you and yours average?
  3. S

    Your favorate thing to cook in

    I have to say thank you for intrudcing me to the rice cooker! I never thought about it till I read this thread. It took some convincing to get my husbnd to try it but now we cant live without it.
  4. S

    What would you do??

    yeah I get that all time. thats the thing about being a women in a male domanated industry. I just give them a snotty look like "what" and they usally walk away. I had on guy who was 20 years older than me and 200 pounds heaver ask me '' want me to wash your back baby'' when I was at the counter...
  5. S

    Is a Toilet too much to ask for?

    when i first started out in trucking I dident have one,I was attacked in a rest area in the middle of the night. I know stupid move getting out at night by my self, but it is a saftey issue for me.. I now have the bucket one an use vanilla sented trash bags from walmart. I have a very...