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  1. letzrockexpress

    Any Van Drivers Want A Harley?

    Harley for a cargo van,sprinter,box truck?
  2. letzrockexpress

    What Is Your Favorite Christmas Tune?

    Seems like as good a time as any to start this thread. What is your favorite Christmas tune (and version). Here is mine... Christmas, Bay Please Come Home ~ The Joey Ramone version
  3. letzrockexpress

    Is This Anything?

    Alka Selzer Moment...
  4. letzrockexpress

    Welcome to Channel 19!

    I just found a great place to dump a body!
  5. letzrockexpress

    Welcome to Channel 19!

    Lucas Dell'abate.
  6. letzrockexpress

    Storytelling 101

    You're a Cheech y Chong fan? I'm stunned! anyway, Bassetball Jones becomes embroiled in a tug of war with Mayor Bing over the cat (still chomped down on the owl... remember the owl?) Anyway, it turns out cats don't fare well when being pulled in two different directions, in fact they aren't as...
  7. letzrockexpress

    Storytelling 101

    snatched right out of mid air by the CAT! Who knew? He was only playing possum! The angry feline bolted across the northbound lanes of I-75, owl in tow, when he over compensated for the center barrier by leaping nearly 8 feet into the air, realizing all too late that....
  8. letzrockexpress

    Storytelling 101

    The ASPCA. Those ankle biters are intent upon busting somebody for exploiting the barn owl, long an endangered species. These scoundrels will stop at nothing. As a matter of fact, just yesterday they..