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  1. D

    The Perfect Transportation Company

    Amen to that Chef, learn to work within the tolerances and just be kind to everyone, you'll feel much better about working in the long run. This is not an industry for the faint of heart, we wrok long hours and no set schedule so enjoy those days you have to sit and wait...carry your golf clubs...
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    I'm with on-dekk, excellent people to work complaints whatsoever.
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    Great app for scanning paperwork

    Been using Camscanner for about a it, no more wasting fuel to find a truckstop or paying $2 a page to fax things, great app
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    How Many Companys are You Contracted To?

    I'm currently working with 3...have had as many as 5 but I wanted to back off a little because I'm semi-retired. Keeping up isn't really a big deal, only one mishap back when I first started...mailed the original BOL to the wrong office.
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    July Locations 2011 ;) Dollas!!!

    Got very lucky for once, was in Cheektowaga NY and got the call for a load to Indy for Tuesday delivery...fortunately my hometown was en route and only 150 miles from the drop. Having a great long weekend with Mom, siblings and friends...hope y'all are enjoying yours as well, HAPPY 4th...
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    On-dekk trans, llc

    In their defense, I did take 2 weeks off during the whole process...not saying anything improper was done, just surprised when I called in this morning to go back on duty. I had an exhausting 6 weeks out that included 2 west coast stints and I live in VA so I wanted some downtime with the...
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    On-dekk trans, llc

    Formerly known as JD Clark Logistics...I work for them and wasn't informed the change was eminent, not cool! Was anyone else aware beforehand? Posted with my Droid EO Forum App
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    Udate on stupid mistake.

    How can you people be so critical of this isn't as though those of you who get down on him for his lack of punctuation are perfect you know. Perhaps you should go read something like the NYT or Wall Street Journal and stay off the boards. Let those of us who enjoy reading these...
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    Comdata ripoffs

    One of the companies I work for pays only through comdata, the only time I use it is when I build enough funds with them to make it advantageous to transfer it to my checking account...I usually run 3 or 4 loads with them and then pay the **** $2 fee so I can use my ATM instead. It does suck...
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    February locations

    Sitting out the storm and taking the weekend off in beautiful SE VA...was almost caught in Tulsa, Memphis and Nashville so I decided to get to the house ASAP and catch the Super Bowl this weekend...GO STEELERS!!! :eek: