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  1. R

    Bolt Express not so express

    Sounds like maybe you just caught a bad first load. I would hang in there and do a couple loads with them and it should get better, just my .02 though. I have never driven a cargo van before but, from what I have read on here they do tend to sit a lot at times... But just remember, the...
  2. R


    Lots of good stuff in there, thank you.
  3. R


    Thank you for all of the feedback. You'd think after talking with a few carriers someone would have mentioned it more than once. I looked a little puzzled when the guy threw the $1,500 escrow at me...
  4. R


    Hello all, Is escrow a common part in a carrier/owner-operator lease agreement? If so, what would you say the average escrow withholding is? I am looking at a $1,500 escrow with a carrier that would be deduced at a flat rate, weekly, from my settlements until the full escrow amount of $1,500 is...
  5. R

    25 cpm

    Not enough money for a straight truck. If that's a 60/40 split you better stay away from that company.