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  1. Casper0418

    How Not to Treat a Prospective Driver

    Thank you xiggi. That is very good info to have when talking to people.
  2. Casper0418

    How Not to Treat a Prospective Driver

    I couldn't imagine having to call someone to verify every load either. I would expect the type of guidance that says 'don't take a load to this area because there's won't be any loads back', so I wouldn't get stuck in the middle of nowhere. Also, some owners want the drivers to do things a...
  3. Casper0418

    How Not to Treat a Prospective Driver

    Even without the W-4? I met with an owner at the expo. After talking with him he said that he had a truck he could put my wife and I in, since we are not interested in purchasing one before we know the business. We never discussed leasing the truck from him. It is my understanding that the...
  4. Casper0418

    **WARNING to new contractors*****

    What purpose or good is a contract if the driver can just abandon the vehicle when he wants too? How do you prevent that?
  5. Casper0418

    How Not to Treat a Prospective Driver

    If I choose to go to work an owner, that does make me an "employee", not an owner. I would hope my employer would prepare me a little better though, like making sure I was actually able/qualified to go to work for the carrier he leased his truck with. Makes sense to me, but then again I'm not...
  6. Casper0418

    **WARNING to new contractors*****

    IF the owner is not keeping up his end of the bargain is the carrier a source of redress, or is the driver just stuck?