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  1. A

    Where do you potty now?

    I think they should go to the bathroom based on genitalia... If a guy has it physically removed then I guess (s)he could become eligible to go to the women's bathroom.
  2. A

    Should we ban cycling?

    In VA cyclists are allowed on most roads except interstates.... For safety sake I think they should change the laws so cycling is only allowed on roads with a bike lane and / or roads with 2 or more lanes going in the same direction so motor vehicles have a safe way to get around the slow...
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    My Financial Battle of the Bulge

    Paying off bills is a big accomplishment but there is one way to get out of debt that isn't often looked upon favorably BUT it does work... It's the old football strategy of Punt and Run.... Stop paying unsecured debt (the punt) and run (hide from creditors...relatively easy to do if done...