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  1. L

    Neil Young was right

    Come on, tallcal101 stop holding back and tell us how you really feel.
  2. L

    I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

    Darn Gregg, I guess we agree after all. I just hate it when I get my dander up then find out I don't have anything to be madd about. Good Day
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    I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

    Greg, I agree with you in your support of Israel. What I meant was just because history says something happened doesn't make it so. Case in point, how many jews did Germany kill during WW2? I have heard it told in the many millions. So many that it makes me wonder if there were that many jews...
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    I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

    It's like a cop comming up on an accident. He gets a different story from both drivers and the truth is somewhere in the middle.
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    I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

    You hit it right smack dab on the head. I believe IKE said on his way out that we should never let those who sell arms gain control of our government. Maybe they are not in control but I believe they are close.
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    I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

    Ok ACE, I agree that history is facts. I just refuse to believe that the facts as told by anybody, are correct all the time. Case in point, there are people who refuse to believe that Clinton lied about the affair, and even better than that some still dont think Bush lied about the reason to...
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    I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

    Greg, you talk about history like it is a fact or something. History is only the past as told by the victors. It has little to do about the truth.
  8. L

    it is election season, and I hate it.

    davekc, you said you dont like all the yard signs! My house is on a corner lot so I get more than my share, now I dont mind the lost dog, or the yard sale sign but the political signs are picked up and disposed of as soon as they are seen. I dont care which political party puts them there but...
  9. L

    Did you noticed America was shut down today?

    Let me start another fire. From the pictures that I saw, at least the Mexicans were waving a United States flag. Those Cubans in Florida still wave the Cuban flag. I feel there are only two kinds of people in the United States, those who are legal, and those who need to get out. Line them...