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  1. S

    Can I make a decent living as an Expediter??

    Hi y'all. Just discovered this board... LOTS of useful info! I am not a trucker of any kind, my only experience with trucks is loading them. I drive a forklift and work on the shipping dock of an automotive parts factory. I was talking with one expediter on Saturday about how things work...
  2. S

    Confessions of a dockworker... long...

    Interesting idea, Larry, posting dock procedures. I think I'll mention that to my supervisor, I might even garner some brownie points. As for a time clock, heck we don't even punch one! But, at our place you generally won't wait more than 15-20 minutes, tops, with an expedite load, except...
  3. S

    Confessions of a dockworker... long...

    I was browsing some of your old posts and saw several complaints about dock workers. I work the shipping dock of an auto parts manufacturer. We're non-union, so we're a bit easier to deal with than the union guys- at least that's what I hear from the truck drivers. I deal with a lot of...