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    Fun Questions...

    No cheating, please...
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    Hadn't Seen/Heard This One...

    From "Newser", another aggregator.
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    Seriously...He Believes this Tripe?(Santorum)

    His policies in those areas, if enforced, would make the United States look like some sort of oppressive dystopian novel. For starters, he doesn’t believe the Constitution provides for the right to privacy, even in the confines of one’s bedroom. “If the Supreme Court says that you have the right...
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    Good News...

    No matter your politics, this is something for all Americans to be proud of. And it has been announced that it is the same group of Seals that got Bin Laden. World News - American hostage in Somalia rescued by US Navy SEALs in overnight raid
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    Reasonable Questions?

    17 questions for the GOP candidates | & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper
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    A Look at Welfare...

    Not quite the picture as painted by "the right"? Whites and Welfare: GOP and the Food Stamp Fallacy
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    This kind of answer is what angers me. Coming from R's, or D's. Just answer the question. Romney Trips On Contraception Question: ‘It’s Working Just Fine, Just Leave It Alone’ | Mediaite
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    Please Discuss & Comment...

    Experimental Theology: The Bait and Switch of Contemporary Christianity
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    New Kid on the Block...

    Cam Newton, of the Carolina Panthers, set a new single season record, for rushing TD's by a QB, yesterday. And he's a rookie!!!
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    Jesse Helms II?

    Jon Kyl: Supercommittee saboteur | & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper
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    "The No-Dick Rule"

    Dick Cheney’s criticism of Obama is both undignified and inaccurate. - Slate Magazine
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    Life, or Death?

    It has been found that life in prison is more economical than execution. What say you? A plea for life or cry for death? | & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper
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    Americans @ Their Best

    Video - Breaking News Videos from These folks did what needed to be done! No political, religious, or moral litmus test involved. This video shows what Americans, when called upon, will do what is right.
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    The truth vs. talking points: Fact-checking the GOP debate in Florida Hopefully, both R's & D's will be put to the facts test. It's only fair. Mike
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    Was His Death A Wake-Up Call?

    This what is in store for the uninsured/unemployed, in our country, when the compassion is turned off. Unemployed, Uninsured Man Dies From Tooth Infection
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    Another View of Regulations...

    Business owners deny rules, taxes hurt hiring | & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper So, as you can see, not all business owners agree that over regulation is the problem.
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    Disrespect? Pettiness?

    *** Epitomizing the House Republicans’ pettiness: Meanwhile, House Republicans -- once again -- looked petty and disrespectful to a head of state who won his office by a convincing margin in 2008, even if they were right on the protocol front. Think back to Joe Wilson’s “You lie” screed, or to...
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    Earthquake Damages?

    Earthquake Does Less Damage to Washington than Eric Cantor Ooops. That is supposed to be a link.
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    Blissfully Ignorant?

    ‪Hardball: Blissfully ignorant Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips annihilated by Matthews‬‏ - YouTube Unfortunately, that term describes a majority of voters. To not know that long list of both assinations & attempts, or at least 4 or 5 of them, doesn't speak well of anyone.
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    A Verbal Thrashing...

    Video: Matt Damon rips reporter, defends teachers | & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper Finally, someone speaks well of public school teachers!