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    Ahhh-gust 2018 Locations & More

    He will porberly just walk off. The truck? Now that's a different matter.
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    Ahhh-gust 2018 Locations & More

    Duh. Sorry
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    Ahhh-gust 2018 Locations & More

    Been away from the site for awhile. What is FB?
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    Ahhh-gust 2018 Locations & More

    Says the guy hanging around on the Expedite forum.
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    storm coming this week end

    Lot of trees down. Some on houses. Just some trees on houses. We were far enough inland to avoid flooding. The beach got hit pretty hard. Still closed to non residents. Got my power back about 5PM yesterday. No deaths have been reported in Savannah area. Thank God. Jerry Lee
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    storm coming this week end

    I went t a friends place up the country. House is OK. Still waiting for power. Hope to get it today. Running off a borrowed generator. Cable is up. It is normally the last to recover. Did not lose anything in the freezer or fridge. Jerry Lee
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    I do it all the time. Sometimes at busy intersections.. Jerry Lee
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    most boring piece of highway

    I-16 in GA
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    Favorite skyline in driving?

    coming into Reno NV at night after coming down off of Donner is nice. Jerry Lee
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    Roll Call

    by see I ment SE Asia
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    Roll Call

    Time again for veterans roll call. I will start. USAF 1961-1986. Radar maintenance . Did not go to SEA. Jerry Lee
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    funnist of all of all was the TX Gov calling out the Nat Guard to keep track of them. Jerry Lee
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    January 2015

    Lets try this again, While stationed at a radar site in MT I was moonlighting at a garage in town. The city brought their diesel grader (all the streets in town were gravel) in for an oil change. The boss forgot to put the drain plug back in and about seven gallons went into the sump. He was...
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    January 2015

    While stationed at a radar site in MT I was moonlighting at a garage in town. The city brought their diesel grader (all the streets in town were gravel) in for an oil change. The boss forgot to put the drain plug back in and about seven gallons went into the sump. He was pi**ed to say the least...
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    Merry Christmas To All

    Merry Christmas to all from sunny GA after three days of rain, About 68 degrees here. Jerry Lee
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    Birthday! Happy birthday Jenny

    A belated Happy Birthday's an important milestone! I hit a milestone, 70. two years ago. Jerry Lee
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    Happy Biirthday JuJubeans

    Re: Happy Birthday JuJubeans Happy day late Birthday. Also happy holidays if I don't talk to you again. Jerry Lee
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    Birthday! Happy Birthday Lawrence!

    Happy Birthday Lawerence!!! Jerry Lee