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  1. S

    P-2, Roadway express same company?

    yeah we knew of the yellow merger, the word is United Parcel is interested in purchasing Roadway/Yellow or has been
  2. S

    P-2, Roadway express same company?

    Is P-2, Roadways' non union carrier? the reason I ask is because they use identical attorneys offices Buckingham,Doolittle and Burroughs in Akron OH. as well as the same suppliers for paper products for the offices
  3. S

    Panther II experiences

    Can anyone give me some feedback on their experiences with Panther II as a team? We have a team and have been talking to Panther II, but when we went for orientation it wasn't at all what we would expect. It was very unprofessional and they had some basic customer relations problems. This has...