Recent content by Axis714

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    cdl-C question

    And as you will notice, A simple question posed to a professional driver will ALWAYS be over analyzed and Never agreed upon. So, in short, without babbling incessantly.Theres a difference between INTRA and INTER state commerce. Your question has already been answered. You can drive...
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    Enough with Panther Bashing...

    KW mentions a rate of 90 cpm for a van driver in 97... I assure you the last van I drove at p2 was leased @ 1$ a mile and we got paid layover almost every wknd and detention like clockwork and as KW said, fuel was a buck a gallon then. I havent seen a change in company policy benefit a driver...
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    I would never try to argue the validity of the old tried and true pencil and paper method. However, If you DO happen to be proficient with a pc and /or operate a small fleet or intend to, orjust plain enjoy all the bells and whistles of professional accounting software. Peachtree, Peachtree...
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    Ya think this will work?

    The egg farmers are now genetically engineering a featherless chicken, so when people stop buying eggs, they simply diversify and sell off their unwanted chickens as easy to process nonpluck birds.....Global Economics, gotta love it!
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    gas wars

    So let me get this straight, Simply because you are a consumer of it, someone should be in charge of making it abundant and supplying it cheaply to you? Its still the cheapest liquid by volume that I can think of. Vote for mandatory surcharge, pull higher priced freight, get better fuel...
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    gas wars

    I pay $2.79 for a gallon of water. It costs me $10 a gallon for Mountain Dew. And approx. $300 a gallon for starbucks coffee. $3.29 gl. milk and so on ..... $2.79 for a gallon of fuel isnt only reasonable, its simply a bargain. $7 for a cheeseburger at the J, now thats gougeing.
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    newbies beware...

    Although considered rude and inappropriate in most circles, I follow the Old School Rule of Thumb for drivers, Never under any circumstances relinquish the keys, until all sides are square. I realise theres alot of truck owners and fleet owners out there that will disagree at all costs with my...
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    Dirty Truckers

    Im sorry to wreck your illusions of grandeur "ladies", but after a verbal assault like that, I feel the need to politely respond to the naive, newbie statements. Let me start by stateing there are 2 types of drivers. #1 Drives for show #2 Drives for dough Personally, I choose the latter, but if...
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    Dirty Truckers

    This is precisely why its called a truckstop and not a family fun center. Too many weak feable germaphobes complaining about what drivers do. If youre a "paid tourist" please feel free to go to the Cracker Barrel and make sure you sit in the NON smoking area. Drivers require few things in...
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    WI-FI service

    I have found that I usually have much faster connection rates and more reliable service from Siricom (Pilot). Also dont think that closer to the building means closer to the transmitter, some lots have antennas located near the back.
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    another Panther policy???

    I see now that the admins here wont even take the time to rationally disagree with my posts. Or for that matter, allow truthful information to be exchanged in an open forum. They simply delete that which they dont agree with. What exactly is the point of this forum if not to allow useful...
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    I have no intention of argueing this point scooter. And as I clearly stated earlier theres a fine line between owning a truck and dispatching a truck owned by your "wife, father etc.." I have nothing to gain by declareing I drove for a MAIN dispatcher. As a matter of fact the company lurkers...
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    Heres the scoop guys!! Ive been through the PII orientation 4 times in the last 6 years Ive driven for several owners (vans and straights) 2 of the owners I drove for were PII employees, 1 was in "safety" and YES 1 was a dispatcher. Its fairly easy to hide the fact that you own trucks at all...