Fuel for Thought

Making a List and Checking It Thrice

By Greg Huggins
Posted Mar 6th 2024 5:46AM

It is that time again. Time to make a list and check it twice… or thrice. Actually time to make two lists. Yep, it is time to plan for the next new truck purchase. Time to make a list of needs and a list of wants. 

Deciding to order a new truck is the easy part, deciding how it is equipped is another matter entirely. There are always the new options to decide on as well as the options that may be lacking from your current truck. Of course there is the matter of accurately determining your needs vs. your wants. Some equipment or options will absolutely be necessary for your business model or operational needs. These are the “must be” included options. Engine size, torque and horsepower, transmission requirements, final drive ratio, tire size and aerodynamic options all top the list of needs for efficient operations. Once the chassis is determined then, and only then do you move on to the safety features and creature comforts of the want list. No matter which brand of truck you prefer, it is crucial to set up the powertrain to suit your needs first.

The wants list might start out as a very long list, but this is where you can trim the excess expense of a new truck to limit the accessory options to fit more in line with your budget. All the bells and whistles may sound great (and I’m sure many of them are great), but many of these options are not vital to your operation of the truck and can be omitted from the initial purchase and added later (if you still want them later) as your budget can afford them. 

Although my current truck is only a few years old, in excellent condition and has many years of life left in it, the time has come to make the next purchase based on my business model. I have been working with a dealer to get the specs just right. The initial specs have been submitted and the quote has been returned to me. Now it is time to go over the spec sheets to make sure nothing was omitted and that there are not any unnecessary “want” options on the list. I am fortunate to be working with a patient and diligent salesman for this purchase. I rarely make rash decisions and I triple check any major purchase such as this. This process has served me well for all my past truck purchases. If you take the time to check all the specs carefully, you are less likely to take ownership of a truck that does not fit your needs. 

Spec’ing out a new truck can be a daunting task to some, but I enjoy the challenge and the reward of doing all the work to help ensure the new truck is what I need and will serve my business needs.

New trucks are expensive. If you are planning to make the purchase, why buy a cookie cutter off a lot when you can order exactly what you need? You will yield far greater results and have the truck you need to fit your business goals. Find a dealer that you are comfortable with and work out the details. 

Productivity is never an accident.

It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. 

- Paul J. Meyer

See you down the road,
