Why not?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You can't decide guilty or innocent without all the facts. Was what she read declassified? Did she actually read anything that was classified? Does the President have authority too allow her to read classified documents? What have previous court rulings found? Why didn't the Republicans pile on when the had the chance? Do Republicans secretly Love her? Is it like the school boy pulling the pigtails of the girl that he secretly likes? Shirley they wouldn't give her a pass. And I won't call you Shirley again.

I'm sure you haven't spent hundreds of hours studying law. Nor do you have a degree in psychic investigation.

What you have is an opinion. And just like a a** h**** everyone has one.

No matter how worldly you are you don't have all the answers. You probably don't even know all the questions. Nobody does.

I need to ask you a question, and I am NOT being snotty. I need to know how much experience you have with the handling of classified documents and the process of getting a clearance. I don't want to post things you might, or should, know, if you had experience in this. In other words, I DON'T want to sound like I am talking down on you.


Expert Expediter
I need to ask you a question, and I am NOT being snotty. I need to know how much experience you have with the handling of classified documents and the process of getting a clearance. I don't want to post things you might, or should, know, if you had experience in this. In other words, I DON'T want to sound like I am talking down on you.

How much experience do you have prosecuting felony cases? How much experience do you have investigating felony cases.

I acknowledge that you have more experience with classified information than I do.

That still doesn't qualify you for judge, jury and executioner.

I have never claimed that she might not be guilty but with all the circumstantial evidence it sure doesn't look like it.

With the info provided by Turtle it looks even less likely. If I had to rely on your expertise or Turtle's there is no doubt who's more informed.


Veteran Expediter
"In your mind she's an "admitted felon". You have a right to your opinion but that doesn't make it true."

She admitted to it, it is NOT my opinion. What she admitted to is a felony.

But you apparently can't cite the specific law or statute that she violated ...

Facts are facts.
Indeed they are ... and so far you're coming up short on 'em ...

I asked you to cite the specific law she violated and you ignored that request ...

Now you say you don't wish to appear "snotty" ...

Is this supposed to be part of a comedy routine or something ?

Just because it was not prosecuted does not change it. Just because people are willing to ignore criminal activity, does not make it right, or legal. NO one, not even Hillary, can LEGALLY read classified document that they are NOT cleared for. That too is a fact.
Hillary could read anything Bill wanted her to read ...

Bill was the Big Kahuna ... 'member ?


Veteran Expediter
Just Remember Something, Thomas Jefferson was asked by a Lady when the Fore Fathers of this Great Nation Ratified the Constitution and set it in motion Sir what did you give US. Thomas Jefferson Replied (A Republic Mam if you can keep it). Think about it. Well Layout U said it your self, SOMTHING ELSE??? HMMM!!!! Is that what we really have become? I should hope not!!