It's a Team's Life Which Team Member Drives More?


Staff member
On Time Media Staff
When we first started driving full-time as a team, we were able to long five on duty and five off-duty or sleeper berth. We did not have a set schedule, and we never know who would drive when we accepted a load. Then the rules changed, and we could no longer do a five on and five off.

Now we had to decide on driving shifts. We went with our sleep patterns, and while Bob has always been a night owl, I have been a morning person. After many discussions, we decided that Bob would drive till three in the morning and I would drive till three in the afternoon. That is twelve hours each of on-duty time. The times are not set in stone, but they are very close to the times we drive.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
One of the biggest mistakes they ever made was taking away the 5/5 option. For some (many?) that is the safest possible system to run. YMMV
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