what is you opinion



Hi to all, Ive been lurking here for a couple of years and would like your opinion on something. first ill tell you a little about myself. I live in Cedar Mountain NC and have Driven Van, straight and TT. for fleet owners with CTX, Tri- State and Nations express. I took off a couple of years to catch up my bills (LOL) and now Im looking for a solo driving position again. It just keeps pulling me back in, some day I will figure out the right formula. I have one person that wants me to drive Class 8 for 65% me paying the fuel,with nations express. another with Fe-Ex class D 40% with the owner paying for fuel and I have always heard these rumors: Teams do better with big companys and solos do better with smaller companies, teams do better with fedex and tri state and solos do better with nations. Is this true? My real question is this, would I be better off driving my own van for a company like Nations or driving for a fleet owner in a straight truck. My wife has a Class C CDL and we could drive team in a van and yes we know how cramped living is in a van as we have done this before. Is there team runs for a husband wife team in a van with the big co's like Tri state Panther lea and Fedex. Please let me know what you think as I need your opinion soon as I have been unemployed for about 3 months and need to do something soon, thanks in advance for all of your replys. MikeG


Expert Expediter
Mike, If you decide on Nations,call Ed Bradley 803-361-0562. I drove solo for Ed for 2 yrs and found an honest, easygoing businessman who worked with me supportively,24hrs a day. Good Luck, Jim S.


Expert Expediter
i belive that you have to decide what responsibities you want.
we like being owner operater, my wife and i worked factory work all our lives plus our own buisnesses, home maintance and repair, house refurbishing,eviction service(calif.) gift shop and flowers. we like this much better. we raised our 4 4 of my brothers and 6 others, all are gone have ther own lives. now after 33 years this is our time to be alone yet with new and different poeple.

we drive for express-1 started after our last distrubution center closed down. driving for your self or for someone else all dependes on whar you want and don't want. we have freedom now. bills yes!
who ever you work for check them out! ask all the questions you can!

we beleve that as o/o's when we lease with someone that we ar hiring them to find us work and work with us to keep our buisness going and making money that is first! working together is the most inportant part of expediting( some make this hard to belive ! )

just find were you can be happy and have fun, life will find you in the mean time. hope hand wish you the best of luck!!!!


Thanks Irishjim and dfx4951 for you reply. As for Ed Bradley, I have talked to him before and he really does seem to be a nice and sincere person and I would like to drive for him but he is only looking for teams at this time, which if you want to make money this is a good decision. I have driven big trucks before and they do have more comfort more overhead , and more revenue but I still think about driving van because of the simplicity of the whole thing. when I come home in a big truck I have to park somewhere else and get someone to come and get me because we live in the sticks and cant get a truck in to our house. If there is any one out there that drives team in a van or even a sprinter please reply and let me know how things are going with that. I have also met a couple of people on the road with Tri-State and Fed-Ex that drive husband and wife team with a class C strt. truck that is dock high with out air brakes so the wife only has to have a class C CDL and they seem to be happy doing this. these trucks are hard to find. Most of the loads I have had in my experience would fit this kind of truck. thanks for all replies in advance and have a good day Mike