Wanting to get started


Rookie Expediter
Hello. First let me say I've found this forum to be very informative. I am thinking about signing on with a carrier soon. As a team driver they said I would average 4,000 miles a week. Is this a realistic number? I make about 45,000 a year right now. Can I make more expediting in a straight truck? Any info would be appreciated.


Rookie Expediter
I live in the Detroit area. I was told I could make about 70,000 a year running 4,000 miles a week.


Expert Expediter
I live in the Detroit area. I was told I could make about 70,000 a year running 4,000 miles a week.

Owning the truck too? Maybe. I highly doubt it though. At .25/cpm all profit your looking at $52,000/year if you run 4,000 miles, 52 weeks a year.


Expert Expediter
What kind of truck and what mpg is it getting? If you get good fuel economy and fuel smart I think you might can get 25% at the end of the day profit. Now, the 4,000 miles all loaded or does that include dh also? What's your dh pay?


Rookie Expediter
Dh pay is 20 a mile. I pay all fuel. Truck probably gets 8 to 11 mpg. Like I said in very new to this.


Expert Expediter
I'd find out. That's a huge difference. Even the A-Team left a nice truck because the truck got poor mpg and it cut too deep into their pockets. Also, 20cpm will cover about 1/2 or less of your fuel so that comes out of your pocket for the extra. It's things to consider.


Expert Expediter
Also, you say you have insurance and now you'll be paying 100% of it. Are u prepared for that increase? And are you ok being away from your family as much as is required in expediting?


Rookie Expediter
Being away from my family will be hard. I've been at my current job 18 years. I'm ready to try something new. My boss told me he would give me a 6 month leave of absence. What attracts me to expediting is my future is up to me. My wife told me to try it. I have enough saved to squeak by for the 6 months. Can anyone tell me what they pay for family coverage