This may not be the Place but THIS HAS TO BE SAID



Please See the Loading Dock Forum..... Placed in here in Error


Veteran Expediter
RE: This may not be the Place but THIS HAS TO BE S

Usually the loading dock is the place for off-topic stuff such as this.

What good would it do blowing the place to hell? The whole reason we're over there for is to free a people. What would it look like if we indiscriminately went in and creamed everything that went bump in the night? We already have the support of the silent majority in Iraq(silent because the media chooses to keep them that way) on our side. A good portion of Iranians are hoping Bush invades them next. You need to calm down and look the larger picture. We're there to get rid of extremists, not civilians. You don't use a bulldozer to get rid of a few weeds in your garden.


RE: This may not be the Place but THIS HAS TO BE S

After calming down a bit, I agree with you...... I should have thought it through some more before I went off on a rampage.

I am just so sickened with all of it.

I just needed to vent.

I will remove this and place it in the right forum.


RE: This may not be the Place but THIS HAS TO BE S

Please see the Loading Dock Forum...... Placed here in Error!!!!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: This may not be the Place but THIS HAS TO BE S

What gets me is where is the outrage in the so called peacefull Muslim World.I don't see the media reporting on Saudia Arabia,Pakistan,Syria etc as too their feelings about Americans being beheaded. However some dipshi- female soldier humilates some prisoners and that gets world news. Also I havn't heard anything from Senator Kerry's camp about condemming the violence.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
RE: This may not be the Place but THIS HAS TO BE S

I think everyone is hitting it on the head. You can't take CBS and Dan Blather as gospel. Watch Fox news and you tend to get a clearer picture of what is going on over there. The good and the bad. I take this on advise from a brother that just returned from there.
Support our troops that are over there!