The True Anti-Gun Obama


Seasoned Expediter
I Just read this, can you see where Obama is slowly taking pro-gun people.

Be sure to read the URL (Ga Arms), apparently it has been rescinded - but Obama's people are trying!!!

Georgia Arms is the 5th largest retailer of .223 Ammo in America ... (they sell 9 mm, .45, etc)

They normally buy spent brass from the US Dept of Defense – ‘one time used’ shell casings by our Military – from training on Military bases, etc. They buy the brass and then re-load for resale to Law Enforcement, Gun Shops, Gun Clubs, etc.

They normally buy 30,000 lbs of spent brass at a time.

This week the DoD wrote a letter to the owner of Georgia Arms and said that from now on the DoD will be destroying the brass – shredding it. It is no longer available to the Ammo makers – unless they just buy it in a scrap condition (which they have No use for). BTW - The brass is NOW going to be sold by the DoD to China as scrap - for less money than Ammo manufacturers have been paying for the shells before processing to destroy. That sure helps the US economy now, doesn’t it? Sell cheaper to China – and do not sell shells at all to a proven US business. Any agenda working here????

The Georgia Arms owner even related a story that one of his competitors had already purchased a load of brass last week – and the DoD contacted him this week and said they were sending someone over to make sure it was destroyed. Shell Casings he had already bought! THE BRASS HAS NO VALUE TO THE AMMO MAKER IF IT IS DESTROYED/SHREDDED/MELTED. HE ONLY USES IT TO RELOAD DIFFERENT CALIBERS - MAINLY .223 BULLETS.

Georgia Arms owner says that he will have to lay off at least Half of his 60 workers, within 2 – 3 months if the DoD no longer sells their spent brass to him. He has 2 – 3 months inventory of shells to use. By summer - he’s out.

You can read the info and see the DoD letter to Georgia Arms here:

The Shootist Site

The Shootist

Georgia Arms Site:




Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The current resident of the White House, I.E., Osama Obama, Bafoone Barry or the "Scuz" as I like to call him does not believe in ANY of the following things:

1: The Constitution of the United States
2: The Bill of Rights
3: A free and Soverien United States
4: The idea that the citizens control government.

In case any of you anti-gun, therefore anti-constitution, people STILL don't believe that the 2nd Amendment means EXACTLY what I think is means, that is, I and all Americans have a RIGHT to Keep and Bear arms, remember this. The document that contains that amendment is called the "Bill of Rights". Those RIGHTS in that bill are granted to the "People" not the government. The People!!! The reason to grant rights to the PEOPLE? To insure that THEY have thier freedom, can CONTROL the Govenment and have the means to back that up. The Constitution was written to LIMIT the power of the Federal government. The power in the United States resides with the PEOPLE, not Congress, the Senate or the current resident of the White House. They are employees, not the boss. They need to be reminded of this and they need to comply or just be taken out of office. They are NOT following the Constitution. Of course, they don't intend too. The "Scuz" is like that. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
According to yesterday's senate committee meeting over the AIG mess, we own that brass, not the DOD so we are entitled to that brass in its bought form at the highest US bidder.


Seasoned Expediter
The current resident of the White House, I.E., Osama Obama, Bafoone Barry or the "Scuz" as I like to call him does not believe in ANY of the following things:

1: The Constitution of the United States
2: The Bill of Rights
3: A free and Soverien United States
4: The idea that the citizens control government.

In case any of you anti-gun, therefore anti-constitution, people STILL don't believe that the 2nd Amendment means EXACTLY what I think is means, that is, I and all Americans have a RIGHT to Keep and Bear arms, remember this. The document that contains that amendment is called the "Bill of Rights". Those RIGHTS in that bill are granted to the "People" not the government. The People!!! The reason to grant rights to the PEOPLE? To insure that THEY have thier freedom, can CONTROL the Govenment and have the means to back that up. The Constitution was written to LIMIT the power of the Federal government. The power in the United States resides with the PEOPLE, not Congress, the Senate or the current resident of the White House. They are employees, not the boss. They need to be reminded of this and they need to comply or just be taken out of office. They are NOT following the Constitution. Of course, they don't intend too. The "Scuz" is like that. Layoutshooter

Wonder what Obama would look like with a little short mustache under his nose. :eek:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Just like, Hitler, Stalin, Mau etc. They all look alike. They were all made in the "image and likness" of Satan. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
"The Nazis expressed the populist yearnings of middle–class constituents and at the same time advocated a strong and resolutely anti-Marxist mobilization....Against “unnaturally” divisive parties and querulous organized interest groups, National Socialists cast themselves as representatives of the commonwealth, of an allegedly betrayed and neglected German public....breaking social barriers of status and caste, and celebrating at least rhetorically the populist ideal of the people’s community...

Rehearsals for Fascism: Populism and Political Mobilization in Weimar Germany Fritzsche 1990


Veteran Expediter
Heres an old qoute for the Anti-gun ppl

1935 will go down in history ! For the first time,a civilized nation
has full gun registration ! Our streets will be safer,our police more
efficient and the world will follow our lead into the future!" Adolph Hitler


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hitler and Obama are cut from the same cloth. NOTHING this bum does in his efforts to wipe out our Constitution would surprise me. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
If this be treason, make the most of it!"

- Patrick (the Constitution has to much power) Henry

p.s. Wonder that old Pat would think about our Government today?


Veteran Expediter
Where do I live?

I live in a country where we have to be registered at birth and must register every time I move.

I live in a country where if I say something against my leader, it can be used to imprison me.

I live in a country where being a false witness is not a crime and where anyone can accuse someone of committing a crime without evidence.

I live in a country where the people are suppressed through taxes and regulations.

I live in a country where firearm ownership is restricted and only the elite are allowed to have firearms.

I live in a country where the press is controlled, propaganda flourishes and it is considered treason to print opposing points of view.

I live in a country where my rights are limited and I do not have the freedom to choose my religion openly.

I live in a country where I am at my station in life and I have limited opportunities.


Veteran Expediter
From the AP, Obama in full campaign mode for budget battle

"Obama seemed to particularly relish his escape from Washington this week. He literally rolled up his sleeves in front of 1,300 cheering people Wednesday in Costa Mesa, Calif., and portrayed himself as a populist crusader against powerful interests that don't care about them."

So far he has been on vacation twice in 8 weeks of work.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
He can stay on vacation if he likes, heck, I think we should pay him DOUBLE to STAY on a perminate vacation. Just so he can't do his NAZI stuff. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No one who did not already understand it Greg. This goober is still loved by huge numbers of non-thinking people. I say that because anyone who can think should be scared to death by this NAZI. Obama is a VERY dangerous and a VERY bad man. He should not be in this or any office. I pray that tomorrow when I wake up I find that Obama has crawled into a hole and not came out. And no one knows where the hole is. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Well get others to vote, and get them to think. Teach your kids what is right and wrong and how to actually listen to a politician.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, somehow we have to figure out how to overcome the education system in this country. It is run by, and for the most part, the very same people who not only agree with Baffoon Barry but praise him almost like a god. Very much like what happened in Germany. Layoutshooter