Team co driver and proximity


Active Expediter
I've been reading for a few months and have a question ...if I become part of a team do I need to live close to the other driver ...or is it not an issue? I would guess being from the same general area would be a plus when you want to come off the road but would like to hear from those in the know....thank you in advance.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum


Seasoned Expediter
Living close to your teammate makes home time much easier. Depending on your situation, if you own truck or drive for someone else, your time on the road could be extended by weeks.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Veteran Expediter
A funny thing about driving for a living is how much further away your idea of 'close' becomes. :D
The usual routine is for one driver to be dropped at home, while the other takes the vehicle on to his home - sometimes in that order every time, sometimes taking turns. So the distance between the two is important: time and fuel costs matter a lot.
How well you get along with the codriver matters a lot too, [you might be willing to go further for one who is 'worth it' than for one you just tolerate for the time you're together] so it's a decision you have to make after weighing all the various factors.


Seasoned Expediter
You don't have to, but your home time will definitely be longer if you do, because if you don't you have to split the difference usually.