Take Care

always confused

Seasoned Expediter
the biggest problem with our government is its made up of people, who have their own agenda and never bothered to learn what their job is; or ignore the rules for their own purposes. just for fun read the constitution sometime, the job descriptions are contained therein. three distinct but inter-related branches. today it seems the only function is to find new ways to dig in my back pocket, while telling me they're not!!! ways to tell me i can't do this or that for my own good... govern me ... control me.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The main job of THIS government, under OUR constitution, is the military. Not welfare, not health care, not ANY socialism. We are a republic (form of government) and capitalist (economic form) Not socialsit, not a dictatorship, not a democracy etc etc etc. Let's get back to those basics. Don't like those ideas? Go live in Canada or England or any other of the socialist counties. I lived in England for 5 years. I DO NOT want to see what that is happen here. Expediting is the ultimate in capitalist thinking, it will colapse under socialism as will most small business and small business creates most of the new jobs here. Socialist's can KMA Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
The main job of THIS government, under OUR constitution, is the military. Not welfare, not health care, not ANY socialism. We are a republic (form of government) and capitalist (economic form) Not socialsit, not a dictatorship, not a democracy etc etc etc. Let's get back to those basics. Don't like those ideas? Go live in Canada or England or any other of the socialist counties. I lived in England for 5 years. I DO NOT want to see what that is happen here. Expediting is the ultimate in capitalist thinking, it will colapse under socialism as will most small business and small business creates most of the new jobs here. Socialist's can KMA Layoutshooter

Thank you!!! I was missing Rich's GO back home remarks!! Guess what? I am going to stay and I am going to support healthcare reform....You know you dinosaurs in here are in the minority...it's coming like it or not...so with that.....Live with it!! :)


Veteran Expediter
I am going to support healthcare reform....You know you dinosaurs in here are in the minority...it's coming like it or not...so with that.....Live with it!! :)

You know OVM in order for us to have health care reform, we have to get rid of a lot of regulations and the government out of Medicare/Medicaid.

Unless you work in the industry for a while, you can't see the real problems.

I for one went without health care insurance for over 3 years but I got to see doctors, got treatments and got meds, without bankruptcy.

The best solution for real health care reform is to replace the tax system, get rid of the debt load from SS and to move to a system that allows the people to be involved with their health care directly.

Oh and like it or not, if you like your work as expediters, than you will not want to see doubling of your overall taxes which will happen with any government involvement.


Retired Expediter
Your only projecting of what may happen ei; taxes doubling.

The system now is in shambles..Its a piece meal hodge podge of alittle of this alittle of that...I wouldn't be so into this IF the insurance companies weren't so not trustworthy.
If the insurance companys were made to honour the contracts and they couldn't cancel a policy once written except one made in bad faith( applicant lies) or non payment.

I'd be in favor of something like South Dakota state law where they can not cancel under the above mention circumstances...Thats why you see SD in the little print of them ads of health insurance "Does not apply" Because the insurance companies WON'T make the commitment to your care. They only want your money.
There are very few companys that insure in SD because of this state law and what there is is very expensive and high deductables.

If I could have my crystal ball and project just how much higher my taxes would be against the out of pocket costs ...I could make that assessment.
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Veteran Expediter
Your only projecting of what may happen ei; taxes doubling.

The system now is in shambles..Its a piece meal hodge podge of alittle of this alittle of that...I wouldn't be so into this IF the insurance companies weren't so not trustworthy.
If the insurance companys were made to honour the contracts and they couldn't cancel a policy once written except one made in bad faith( applicant lies) or non payment.

no projections, there have been a lot of studies and reports done on socialized medicine and the impact it will have. Double the overall taxes needed to bring the system up to speed is a conservative estimate.

The system is in shambles because of the government, nothing else - learn about it from the inside.

The insurance companies are not the real villains here. I used the example of unnecessary surgeries and procedures but coupled with the fact that our nation is not the healthiest or the lightest and the people don't take advantage of programs that would improve their lives, the insurance companies can not operate at a loss for long.

A lot of the issues that people brought up about their insurance being dropped would have been solved in the first place if they were involved with their health care and were helped by controlling what they made in the first place.


Retired Expediter
If I pay the premiums on time and faithfully....I don't want to be dropped because of some long time rehab thats going to cost them money...I want that option removed off the table...when it comes time to use it....I want what I paid for not some limited version.
Maybe some kind of independent review board for grievances....right now I believe we are at the mercy of a young whipper snapper adjuster trying to appease the shareholders.
Are you really in control of your healthcare when they can tell you....your too fat, quit smoking, quit drinking, keep a log of your exercise and on and on...you get the drift..


Seasoned Expediter
.....and ron paul is still in the running.

Our government is broken in Washington. All criminals on the take. We only have ourselves to blame. Does not matter who is President. Your vote don't count. Only the rich and powerful have a say. The rest be damed. Good thing truckers can't carry guns. They would just rub a big callous on their temple from playing russian roulette.


Veteran Expediter
If I pay the premiums on time and faithfully....I don't want to be dropped because of some long time rehab thats going to cost them money...I want that option removed off the table...when it comes time to use it....I want what I paid for not some limited version.

See this is exactly what I am saying, the option does not exist because others will complain about having the option in the first place.

It is like the medicaid issue and emergency room visits, just because the brat has a sniffle or tummy ache, does not mean that they can go to the emergency room. The visit takes place, the docs submits it to the hospital and then it gets submitted to medicaid, where we pay for it. The whole system is forced to accept anyone who walks into the place for what ever reason and the abuse is so wide spread that the only way to solve it is to get rid of it because the government can't make the determination who gets what, they blanket everyone with the same coverage - even uninsured.


Retired Expediter
The area we live in SD is designated remote and the local clinic is Federally funded...no state funds. We pay $10.00 per office visit and its geared to income...some might pay 20.00 and others nothing...for any procedure that is done in the clinic..outside of the clinic we pay market value...NOW if your income is too high your kicked outta this sytem into the private system....so I pay 10 bucks for a DOT check-up and pee test...and blood pressure monitoring and or advisements.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Sorry you mis-understood. I did not mean anyone in particular. Our constitution does not allow for a national health system. I you want one, change the constitution. I am tired of people making fundimental changes to our way of life without having the balls to do it legally. Obama is a coward, as are most socialist. He does not have the guts to stand up and say, I want to change from capitalism to socialism. I will raise taxes on everything till we have the same rates as the rest of the world. Un-employment will go up. I will do it by changing the constitution to put the US government in control of the economy insted of the people. We will tell you what to do and how to do it. We will use the national health system to control your life and money. It will cost you double what health care costs now and you will have a great sub-standard system like the rest of the world. He will not unite the country he will start a civil war. Most say that they want reform because they believe the lies. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
your a truck driver...the feds already control what you can do...thru FMCSA..( i think I got that right) isn't that socialistic? They are controlling a specific sector of the people.
Bear with me..I am new at this US stuff....

so your saying we have the right to self-determination?

So if say 70 % of the population want a specific item....it doesn't matter? Its not important? Things shouldn't change?

So some are living a life created in 1776 from people with some great foresight...but none the less could not even fathom what we have to-day. So we are going to stick with that?


Veteran Expediter
No OVM, they are not controlling a specific part of the population, they are regulating an industry which is a different thing altogether and the Constitution gives the power for them to regulate this profession.

70% of the population does not want the government to give them health care because if they did, it would have already happened. I think when you dig deep enough, more than 70% of the population want control of their lives, which means choices and options, as you mentioned. A lot of people know that if the government gets a hold of the trillion or so dollars in the health care industry, the innovations, the drugs and the quality of care will be less than what they have now. No one is denied health care here, no one is turned away at all, but they do that in other countries where the population wants our system.

It amazes me that people think the solution to the rural medical care is subsidized health care but it is not. There is no promoting doctors to move out to the rural areas and to return to a system that you can work within to make people healthy. If you look at what a Doctor has to do to open a practice in some parts of the country, it is no wonder why they even bother. The same goes for a medical lab, the regulations are just unreal.

Yes a right to determination.

If you have a government who tells you that there is a quota on a certain procedure or that you can't pay for something out of your own pocket, your rights just went away.

I really seriously think you are stuck on hold Ken (no insult intended), the concepts and practices that were created in 1783 were not from a bunch of dumb hicks or politicians like we have today and if we didn't have FDR with his new deal and Johnson with his war on Poverty, the same things that were being used when this country became a super power (1905) would let us take care of our people by the people and everyone would be a lot better off. You have to really step out of your Canadian mindset and into a neutral mindset to see what the intent was by these people who came together to write one of the most amazing things man has ever created. The intent was to allow people to be truly free, not to have an intrusive government and to let the country prosper. For some reason they knew that an intrusive government meant a form of slavery, they knew that direct taxes meant a slow and faulty economy and they knew that a large government took away every basic human right we were given by God.


Retired Expediter
Thanks Greg for you patience....no insult taken...you understand more then most and maybe Hawk because of his wife being a canuck...just how it is to grab unto this American thing...Its not like I am 20 years old...I am entrenched in Canadian culture...and sometimes the wires are getting crossed and I shortout...Iam not trying to intimidate anyone...maybe I should just shut the heck up and go with the flow...but alas thats not my nature..I gotta know...


Veteran Expediter
Well OVM, I had a lot of practice. TOO many Canadian and Old Country relatives to explain things to.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
OVM, I too hope I do not offend, I am just a free man and want to stay that way. You can have anything you want as long as I am not forced to use it, pay for, or be controlled by it.
I have been paying for all the sick, lame and lazy my entire life and I am tired of it. Tired of seeing bums go to the store and by steaks while I have to feed my kids ground beef and pasta because I was paying sooo much in taxes. Then to top it off those bums would ridiclue me because I worked for the Defense Department and I was buying thier steaks for them!!!!!!! My out look is different and it will never change. I hope we can all live together. Why don't you guys that want a "system" just get together and start your own? That is how freedom works!! You can do that!!!! At least for now. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
OVM, I too hope I do not offend, I am just a free man and want to stay that way. You can have anything you want as long as I am not forced to use it, pay for, or be controlled by it.
I have been paying for all the sick, lame and lazy my entire life and I am tired of it. Tired of seeing bums go to the store and by steaks while I have to feed my kids ground beef and pasta because I was paying sooo much in taxes. Then to top it off those bums would ridiclue me because I worked for the Defense Department and I was buying thier steaks for them!!!!!!! My out look is different and it will never change. I hope we can all live together. Why don't you guys that want a "system" just get together and start your own? That is how freedom works!! You can do that!!!! At least for now. Layoutshooter

What we want and what we get are usually two different things and then theres the things we THINK we want till we get it...

I'll just stay the course and observe for now....Thanks


Veteran Expediter

I too get tired of this stuff. I look around see people dressed better than I am driving a newer car than I do collecting aid. Yesterday, I don't know what kind of mood I was in but as typical as a truck stop is, I got the normal 4 or 5 people giving me the same story about having no gas and no money, need gas, my wife and kids are out front and we need a ride...whatever.

I don't mind helping people who help themselves, like try to find work or a way out but it is the ones who refuse to take anything and want specific help that I don't want to help.

One day I got off at Russel exit on I94, there was a guy there with a sign "Need Food Please help, God Bless". I just came from McDonald's and had a couple cheeseburgers and a big mac (the fries were gone, yum..), so I stopped to make my turn and I rolled the window down and said here is some food. "no man I needs money, you gots money", I told him all I got is food, take it if you want it.. and I got the same response so I drove on. I won't tell you what happened later.


Expert Expediter
Well OVM, I had a lot of practice. TOO many Canadian and Old Country relatives to explain things to.

And you know how it is trying to explain things to canucks. You have to speak really slow unless it has to do with hockey. :)