Serious Question?


Seasoned Expediter
Do any of you actually take time out of your schedules on the road to attend church services on Sunday?

I believe I will, and I just wanted to know if anyone else does. If you do, how are you received in these "strange" churches? Do you feel welcome?



Expert Expediter
Do any of you actually take time out of your schedules on the road to attend church services on Sunday?

I believe I will, and I just wanted to know if anyone else does. If you do, how are you received in these "strange" churches? Do you feel welcome?


If I Said I Attended Church Every Sunday I would Be Lying, But I do Attend Church Both at Home and When I am Out! The Truckstop Church's Treat me Pretty well, But I Kinda Feel a Little Bit Funny! Don't know why that Happens But Maybe Because Everyone There Are Strangers! I Don't let that stop me though because it makes me feel good attending Church Services and Brightens My Whole Day! The way I See it is That It Can't Hurt You, So If you Want to go then Just Do It! MNaybe I'll See Ya There. :D:D


Veteran Expediter
I guess it would depend on the type of church you go to. I've been to churches where if your not wearing a suit or at least a tie you get funny looks and other churches where you can wear a t-shirt, shorts and flip flops and nobody bats an eye
I personally like the Calvary Chapel churches or four square churches for the friendly people and no dress code


Moderator Emeritus
i am an Assembly of God member. whenever i attend another church i am treated well and am always overwhelmed by the love of Gods family.


Not a Member
I used to be a member of the Assembly of God churches,changed to the Church of God, but it has been years since I went to church. Actually, since 1991, when I got divorced.I need to get my act together and start attending on a regular basis.


Veteran Expediter
There are allot of people on here that will argue against this
but who are they to judge.

No I don't always attend or get to attend a worship service.
However when I do, I do enjoy it.
Now with that being said, It realy isn't set in stone one has to attend a service to worship god.

My self if I can't attend a service then I go to a place alone weather it be in the cab of the truck or in the trailer or kneel while I'm out running. A place of worship don't have to be in a church it can be in your home or where ever your at. You speak and God hears
Knock Knock God hey this is and I have this problem I have done this and this and that and well you can get the pic. You can confess your wrong doing and your right doings as well. As well as Reading passages from the bible ect.

Any one that tell you that you got to go to a church to worship god is full of themselves. The same goes when they tell you you got to give xxx amount of dollars to sew a seed.
Truth of the matter is giving of oneself weather be in doing something for somebody helping them example changing a elderly persons tire, Teaching a couple how to run there equipment if they don't know how to do it. Sharing your food with some one that has none. Plain and simple a good deed will Sew the Seed. I may have gotten off track of this and I'm very sorry about that. But Indeed you really don't have to attend a church or service you can do that right where your at. Weather your Running and you talk to him then or sit in your truck and read the bible or Plain say hey Knock Knock this is and I got to talk to ya. Now again as Serving the Lord Sew the Seed with a good dead. Lastly never stop believing in God no matter how hard life gets.
He is aside you as Foot Prints in the Sand never lie.

If any mods rip this then do me a favor and terminate my log on.

Thank you for your time.
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Not a Member
You are absolutely right.But going to church to hear and learn the teachings as well as having fellowship is a good thing also, not saying youre saying it is a bad thing.


Veteran Expediter
There are allot of people on here that will argue against this
but who are they to judge.

No I don't always attend or get to attend a worship service.
However when I do, I do enjoy it.
Now with that being said, It realy isn't set in stone one has to attend a service to worship god.

My self if I can't attend a service then I go to a place alone weather it be in the cab of the truck or in the trailer or kneel while I'm out running. A place of worship don't have to be in a church it can be in your home or where ever your at. You speak and God hears
Knock Knock God hey this is and I have this problem I have done this and this and that and well you can get the pic. You can confess your wrong doing and your right doings as well. As well as Reading passages from the bible ect.

Any one that tell you that you got to go to a church to worship god is full of themselves. The same goes when they tell you you got to give xxx amount of dollars to sew a seed.
Truth of the matter is giving of oneself weather be in doing something for somebody helping them example changing a elderly persons tire, Teaching a couple how to run there equipment if they don't know how to do it. Sharing your food with some one that has none. Plain and simple a good deed will Sew the Seed. I may have gotten off track of this and I'm very sorry about that. But Indeed you really don't have to attend a church or service you can do that right where your at. Weather your Running and you talk to him then or sit in your truck and read the bible or Plain say hey Knock Knock this is and I got to talk to ya. Now again as Serving the Lord Sew the Seed with a good dead. Lastly never stop believing in God no matter how hard life gets.
He is aside you as Foot Prints in the Sand never lie.

If any mods rip this then do me a favor and terminate my log on.

Thank you for your time.

You are absolutely right.But going to church to hear and learn the teachings as well as having fellowship is a good thing also, not saying youre saying it is a bad thing.

Re read the above.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Ease up there, why would anyone rip that?

That being said.. no.. you don't HAVE to go to church to worship God, but I think a Christian will WANT to. It's always good to get together with others and worship. We don't all have to be the same, or worship the same way.. but sometimes it's nice to fellowship with a group with your beliefs.


If I'm out on Sunday, I do try to go to a church. My wife travels with me sometimes, and we've always been welcomed at any church we stopped at. Usually we are swarmed with questions as to what we do, where we go, etc. People are fascinated by our business.

I just get online, or grab a local phone book, and check under our denomination. Personally I like to go to Church of Christ in Christion Union, or Nazarene churches.

That being said, I'm in a cargo van, so it's easy for me to go to any church. If you're in a straight truck, I'd cruise by the night before and make sure they have parking room.



Seasoned Expediter
Thanks for the responses. It's good to know I won't be the only "expediter" that looks for a church to attend on Sundays.

Hey ICE - I agree with you. We can have a personal relationship with Jehovah God in private or in public. We are encouraged in scripture to pray without ceasing. Kinda hard to do that if you HAVE to do it in church.

That being said, I still believe it is very important for Christians to make a habit of attending church as oft as possible. I know you said that anybody that believes that is full of themselves, and I certainly am not trying to argue with you about it. Hebrews 10:25 says "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves TOGETHER, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and SO MUCH THE MORE, as ye see the day approaching. So, I agree that we can commune with Christ in private, but as a Christian, I LONG to have the fellowship of God's people - I need the exhortation and the encouragement.

Thanks for sharing folks. I appreciate the input.
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Veteran Expediter
US Navy
got divorced 3 yrs ago,,tried the church thing again, wasnt the same, went 12 times or more, just couldnt get back into it, missed her to much, so thats was that, do read my Bible and listen to cds and such, but no more church services at this time,,just doesnt do for me anymore,,,,life goes